Azgalor Alliance Reconnections

Kix - Night Elf Hunter, Sev - Dwarf Warrior. I did some light raid leading back in the days of Molten Core/ Blackwing Lair for the guild Caligulas Pleasures. Seems like a lifetime ago.

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Yo what up Kix. Been very long time. Remember doing CP raiding with you.

Good to see ya. How you been?

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It’s good! Very long time is right, but I remember our only true PVPers haha.

Do you remember Deyna the holy paladin too?

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My favorite priest :wink:

I do remember Deyna, she was cool as heck.

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haha yea, believe it or not I still the Benediction in the bank on that priest, but she has since been converted to blood elf on Arthas - Horde. Are you going to be playing classic? Feel free to add my battletag Zaleon#1354 and any other old timers from Azgalor I may know!

WarcraftRealms says you were only in Horde Hunters. Though the data on that site is based on people scanning those who are online and then uploading the addon data to the website. So a lot of stuff is missed.

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oy! been awhile palio, going to play some ret again? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Also /wave Issu…perhaps it was both :smiley:

^^this^^ <3 om

Elvalia, human mage from Aesir Sentinels here! Seeing a lot of familiar names but I don’t know that anyone would remember me. I’ve got a decent group of AS rolling alliance on Herod/Stalagg depending on how server queues end up being.

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So we’ve decided that our guild (and a lot of old Azgalorians) will be rolling on -STALAGG HORDE- rather than Herod to not deal with queue times and mega-server populations. Need dat “Authentic vanilla experience”

When you get hit with that 6 hour queue on release feel free to come join us on Stalagg!

If anyone is interested in joining us or just hanging out in our discord with a lot of old Azgalor vets join our discord:

Hyja undead mage rank 12 :grin:

Been afk getting tacos from JackNBox, but i am back!
Flintridge Human Paladin
I think the first guild was Band of Hawks, something like that. Then we merged with like two other guilds to make Righteous Dawn.
I will give the vanilla a shot to see if it can be relived? Was good times in Iron Forge drinking and gambling the night away till they banned it. :slight_smile:
Trying to level in Stranglethorn Vale and someone would kill someone and then the next thing you know its a world wide war for hours in that area. Good times!
Hope to see some of you soon. Not sure which server i will play yet. Def not looking for long login times, did not miss that. lol

Guild Triforce - Names Daryoku, Marty, Coad, Devildog, Ruffin. Hit me up!

Haha! ohhh Neurotik… the good old days

-Kazaap, gnome rogue, Brethren

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What’s up homie! Hope you’re doing well.

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Benbo …Gnome mage pvp god … VOA, the dad of ichigo-Bretheren and Kazaap-Bretheren

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Gafgarion married his dream man, he’s living the life

Character: Cyanide
Guilds: Smack, Relentless Assassins (early on)
Class: Druid
Spec: Resto (but I did get to tank a core hound once!)

Coldasice, Theodin, Calameth, Alventenie, Alemi, and Tif all familiar names. I hung out with Tif a lot. That Paly and I did everything together! Some of my fondest memories of the game were during this time. Would love to see some more from Smack post here.

I’ll be playing Classic. Join me!

(I’m RL friends of Rhavok and Captcourage who belonged to a small guild that merged with Smack early on.)

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