Azgalor Alliance Reconnections

Some of us never left.

Psthartos (Warlock)
Ravenstill (Rogue)
Scurrd (Warrior)

I’ve presently got GM status of ëminence and Silver Wolves…which was the joint effort of some dudes from …still in contact with a few of those folk. I might be able to reach out to some of them if anybody is looking for them…

I know Danton and Issu were big on the forums and PVP stuff…Hope, Pterodactyl, Synch, Balgus…still havent convinced many people to come back though

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Sorry…forgot about the angle brackets — ëminence was a group effort from dudes out of BoT, Apex, Park Plaza, Silver Wolves.


Also — GEMS!!! YOU NEVER CALL OR WRITE!! :frowning:


I know I’m spamming this thread…sorry…but something occurred to me:

Anyone have a copy of that song representing Azgalor in the contest blizzard had?

Dwarf Hunter Named Wedge…believe the guy who wrote it had a group called Drinking From the Fire hose…

He memtioned a “MsBT” who is a pally in the song…been trying to find that rap for a while. There used to be copies online…but no longer :frowning:


I speak with Danton pretty regularly, I don’t believe he is gonna play. Synch prob won’t play either.

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Synch was playing retail not too long ago…and I know about Danton. I’ve been trying to get him to on discord. Thimo is in though.

Do you have our discord info? If nothing else you could come talk trash to Swanea


I remember the Gospel, largely because of Dozi being named manager of the Southshore Inn. SO many Ally bodies because of him…mine included.

http ://
(add the “s” to the http)

G-D Dozi…so many nights I just logged off because I could never recover my corpse at the SS flight path…


Chown! Join us for Classic!

I played on this realm from Vanilla-Wotlk and came back for WoD.

I played a rogue name Visegrip and was GM of Dirty Dozen along with my brother Pubare who will also be playing classic as well.

Add me: Coolhands#11948

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I’ll be joining if for no other reason than to sh*t talk Issu and annoy Swanea.


Swanea is quitting the game already though.

/whisper Swanea for free gold!

She had to quit to pay for her and Quietman’s baby…finally got into college at this point!


Hey guys!

I actually used to play Horde in the High Warlord group/grind.
Hatory - Undead Rogue

Looking to see some of the people we used to go against. They popped into our vent server from time to time and had some fun.

Vicegrip and pubare i know those names from somewhere

I didnt play in vanilla, i started at the end of bc and played alot in wotlk and cata. I was in the dawn of the righteous alt raid for icc and i ran the late night pug circut for a while before that.
Punkyone gnome warlock
Punkknight human dk

Hey Mithrrin!
I still think about when we had to pause the raid for you to move a chimney from one side of the house to the other…

Dosh - Mage
Priest - Renewed
Druid - Rejuved
Pylons - in BC…
Started in Mythical Guardians and I think I was in Brethren late in Vanilla

Dosh! I remember you :smiley:

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hey there, i remember you. i ran with taozu and shryke and all those guys regularly. larryotter as well when we were really feeling the meme. i played Dribble, gnome GM fury warrior.

Hahaha! They are! I’m rolling a gnome mage again for Classic. My main will be on Herod, but I’ll definitely come say hey!