Have completed the full questline for Azerothian Archives world quests on one character and not seeing any of the world quests show up for any other characters. I believe they’re supposed to be an account-wide unlock.
I’m really not sure. But judging by the fact that we can only receive the 5k currency from the weekly quest once per account every week, they might have limited the world quests too, since those also give currency.
MAYBE account-wide unlock for the WQs means that after finishing the questline on one character, you can complete them once per account on any of your characters. Even the ones that you didn’t do the questline on.
IF this is the case, it’s understandable. Kinda. People with a bunch alts would earn tons of Myterious Fragments and buy everything super fast, since it’s possible to send fragments to alts with a 1:1 ratio.
But again, I’m just theorizing.
Since the WQ reset, I see the new WQs on the character that finished the questline, but I can’t see the WQs on my alts.
Yep, I’m seeing the same thing. New Archives WQs for my character that completed the quest chain, but not for anyone else.
If this isn’t a bug I’m gonna be mad.
I don’t wanna do this quest chain on every single alt.
how do you complete the quest chain? I am on the Tools of the Dragonkillers and it is completely bugged out for me. In fact this whole experience of “new archeology” has been FULL of bugs and errors and problems. and I don’t even want to really continue with it if it keeps happening.
So much for ‘account wide everything’. Is there still some of the devs who haven’t got the memo?
After 2 weeks, I can now see an Azerothian Archives (AA) WQ in The Forbidden Reach zone on an Alt which has not done the intro quest lines for Azerothian Archives faction. However that Alt still cannot see the two other Azerothian Archives WQ’s which are up for this half-week in Zaralek Cavern. My main char who has done the Azerothian Archives intro quest lines in all zones can see all those 3 WQ and has completed them.
It was announced in the release notes that these Azerothian Archives WQ would be account-wide after one char had completed all the Azerothian Archives intro quests in all zones. So this is a bug which needs to be fixed. The weekly AA quest allows AA rep to be rewarded to Alts even though they have not done the AA intro quests, so why cannot non-intro Alts be allowed to have visibility of the AA WQ and earn AA rep by doing the AA WQ?
This is a major disappointment. Has anyone actually done the quest line again on an alt? Can you do the WQ’s than or is it once per account?
So much for Blizzard respecting our time. Bunch of worthless liars!
I’ve done the intro quests on three characters and only the first character who did them can see / do the world quests. I’ve met dozens of other people with the same problem. They all said they bugged it, but still nothing has been done to fix it!
Just ran into this and found your post. This intro quest chain is indeed available to all my characters. I did it once on my main and it unlocked some stuff account wide? I think only maybe the digging WQ’s? But the technoscrying WQ’s didn’t unlock until I did the intro again on an alt. Also, I don’t think the digging was working for me during the Big Dig event on an alt that hadn’t completed the intro yet.
Either way, it is inconsistent as heck and needs to be looked at. If Blizzard promised account wide then that’s what it should be. Not some mixed half-measure.