Azeroth VS Earth. Who Would Win?

If you think that something like a dwarven tank or horde catapult with a range of line of sight AT BEST could compete with a M1 A1 with a 265 mile range you are sniffing the chi a little too hard bub


Magic would be the real deciding factor, as we have not really seen it’s upper limits in game. I mean while Jania’s little boat display was impressive, it’s not on the level of something like a nuclear weapon. So the question would really come down to, what is the limits of magic in this context.


I’m pretty sure that the combined might of Dalaran could exceed Earth’s biggest nukes, and even that would pale in comparison to the magic of the titans and such.


Except the parameters of the question is “Azeroth vs Earth”, not the entire WoW universe vs Earth :slight_smile:


Azeroth has Dragons, magic (aka healers, resurrection, protecting areas with magical shields and elemental/environmental control). Earth better watch out for those swirlies on the ground!

Azeroth also has tanks, boats, subs, bombs, bombers, guided missiles, space ships, Gnomish and Goblin (scary) engineers, people that can fly on mounts and drop bombs, and classes that can stealth/camo and assassinate.

Send in the Pallies with shields and bubbles!

But, you’re probably correct. :heart:

In Azeroth, we have access to higher beings and the nether planes.

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Yeah, the slowest moving class trying to close 1.5k meters in less than 8 seconds :slight_smile: Or did you mean for them to bubble, see the massive explosion from beyond their view distance and the hearth the hell out?

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We would all lose. The politicians would start arguing. Which in turn would suck the life out of both worlds.

That’s actually how black holes are formed. It has nothing to do with collapsing starts.


The titans have been dealing directly with us and with Azeroth, so I doubt they’d tolerate Earth assaulting it. Besides, there’s one factor that renders all of this discussion meaningless.

When Azeroth nukes Earth and wipes out a population, everyone dies and stays dead.

When Earth nukes Azeroth, everybody just runs back to their body and respawns.

Sure, it may take a while to corpse run out of the blast radius, but eventually, zero lives will have been lost.


This is what comes to mind for some reason.

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They don’t give a damn about us, all they have ever really cared about was the world soul. If Earth wiped out all life and the world soul was untouched, I doubt they would even notice.


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Pallies have Crusader Aura and can fly though!

Exactly what I was thinking. :rofl:

Azeroth can send in a few raid bosses with their bazillion health, that have an immune shield after a certain amount of time and enrage. Like Godzilla or Kong, those little bullets are worthless. :wink:

If we can kill said raid bosses with just 20 people, I don’t think the various militaries of Earth would have that much to worry about. Magic would really be the only wild card.

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Earth, for sure.

Azerothians are very, very small by comparison to Humans and wouldn’t be more than a minor threat.

I offer this photo as proof:

I had to laugh at the image of a highly trained military stepping into a vividly glowing circle and that one person screaming, “Get out of the bad!”


Depends, what level are these Earthlings? Either way, I’m not too sure their Ilvl is high enough to do much damage tbh.

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Isnt Azeroth the size of like Maine? Which isn’t small, but compared to the the entire world that is called Earth, that is really small.

If it is us solely vs Azeroth, we win, with a decent dent in our population.

If it is the threats that are normally threats to Azeroth without Azeroth’s help, we win but probably suffer massive amounts of lives loss.

If its Azeroth threats with Azeroth help to cull said threats, we win by assimilating Azeroth as a new territory integrating our tech with their magic and tech and become the new Burning Legion, minimum life loss for us.

I feel like Azeroth has a very, very big advantage considering they have the actual ability to turn the very earth we walk and the air we breath against us. As well as chemical warfare, mental/physiological warfare, stealth magic, demons, dragons, abominations and death knights as well as demi gods on their sides.

Like the Azeroth forces would probably just send in a few rogues to either kill off our leadership or sabotage our arms factories before we’d even know what a “rogue” was or that they can turn invisible to us.


How long does it take to run from BB to Silvermoon? Azeroth is tiny and would get stomped by earth!.

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 Just a never ended wave of bodies of heroes who can’t really be killed. Eventually you run out of ammo and manpower against an unstoppable wave with sticks and swords and claws.