I question the fact that if it was actually radiation. Cause if it was actual radiation you don’t just spray yourself with some liquid to get rid of several lifetimes of exposure to gamma radiation.
You are playing as a level 60 Draenei Death Knight…
How do you not know WoW magic entails astronomically more than this?
Omg, he’s sending the ladies now
It would depend on the nature of the water, and in real life also the level and spread of exposure.
If it was localized entirely in, say, your left hand, and assuming it was purely in the form of rays and not being embedded with or covered by gamma emitting radioactive materials, you would largely be fine because the damage would be localized to your hand. Said hand would probably melt off or require amputation, but you’d more than likely survive it to live a full life.
Full body exposure and you’re dead whether you get scrubbed or not, but washing up and cleaning your wounds would still reduce your exposure if it was through radioactive materials on or stuck in your skin.
But if the water in question were able to reverse or mend cellular damage caused by radiation, then bathing in and ingesting it would be all the difference. Fountains of healing water have existed since Warcraft 3, and before if their like is present in preceding Warcraft games, able to maintain someone through all manner of damage from physical wounds to poison and disease, and so I don’t think it’s beyond the pale for such a thing to work against the ravages of radiation.
Let’s not forget, Rhonin semi-contained a manabomb that could tear through dimensions… and Khadgar as his and Medivhs successor is only slightly less powerful if not equal in magical prowess (same with Jaina at this point).
And as powerful as THEY are, Azshara is just over here splitting the red sea and weaponizing the ocean.
For clarity of scale of the diameter of devastation, it was stated that had Rhonin NOT contained the explosion to Theramore it would have also taken out Orgrimmar and the coast as well…
Outside of Russia or maybe North Korea most countries including the US aren’t going to use nukes anyways due to the concept of “mutually assured destruction”, as soon as the US or any other nuclear power finds out the opposition is also a nuclear power nukes are off the table.
But the caveat is Rhonin is dead from his sacrifice and Khadgar, and probably Jaina, would also die from their sacrifices with just the first bombardment. Still leaving Azeroth to take a brunt of explosions.
But despite the initial loss, Azeroth would bounce back because Heal and Resurrect exist.
And Gnomes and ways to purify radiation. Meanwhile what will anybody do about a (even small tactical) mana bomb taking out a city?
Pretty sure mana bombs and the collective might of Azeroth’s magic users have us soundly beat.
Considering there is no defense to magic on Earth then the answer is no.
Titans the size of planets, space battleships, intergalactic travel, time travel, world ending weapons, and so on. We dead.
Don’t forget the Dreadlords controlling mass media, governments, Leaders, education, cults, social media . . . . oooo we destroy each other within a week.
I don’t think the two sides would even fight. I mean we’d be too busy either humping each other or going Duuude thats soo cool can I try it?
You know, that would be the reason the war would start. They’d blame the other countries for creating the portals and the importance of shutting them down so some overly anxious country would actually shoot a nuke through it setting off the war.
Both sides slaughter each other, Dreadlords Pat themselves on the back.
It would be easier than that. Dreadlords controlling the information flow means easily pitting one side against the other. Once we stop trusting our neighbors and leaders, Mass Media becomes god. We all follow blindly with knives drawn at each others throat’s.
To any who says the Shaman can control the very Air we breath let’s remind you that the Shaman control their Air by communicating or binding the Elemental Spirits. Druids do the same thing.
Earth has no Elemental Spirits to control. Druids and Shaman are useless here! They would have to bring the Elements with them through the Portal to use them.
Evokers, Magi, Warlocks, Paladins, Priests and Monks would have an easier time…
Come to think of it: How flashy are the attacks of these Spellcasters? I honestly don’t see how any of them besides the Archmagi and Velen will be much use.
Archmagi aren’t invincible especially if caught off-guard by Assassins.
The Vindicaar would be the only hiccup and that would result in the ship eventually getting hit by Nukes and destroyed.
Kite Lord Kazzak to a major capital and watch the fun ensue.
Well, for Earth to fall they would drop mana nukes all over the planet.
Considering how the World handled COVID, I’m pretty sure if they sent the plague of undeath to Earth, we wouldn’t survive.
Not cool to use stereotypes.
The heart of azeroth is technically a robot… all it would take is one emp device.
would depend on a few factors… how fast humanity could cure the forsakens plague. how resistant those from azeroth would be to earth diseases and vice versa. would respawn be a thing? how fast rocket boy would toss a few rockets near azerothian nations that are actually a threat. political infighting. furys…biomolecular science added to magic…how effective a gyrocopter would be against something that flys 1000 times faster than itself and is more maneuverable. lots of physics problems as they dont work the same in both worlds…and does a magic shield work against nukes.