Azeroth the Titan

I wonder when it will hatch; what does it mean for the people living on the planet?


It’s not clear at this point if Azeroth even is a Titan.


Maybe it’s a bait created by the Titans to lure everyone to target our timeline while the correct one is Azmerloth


Dunno. Maybe “The First Ones” (the creators of the Zerith facilities) are the actual Titans, and the Titans we’ve known for all of WoW’s lore are actually usurpers. Maybe Azeroth is the last “First One”.

There’s so many directions they could go with this, though I hope they don’t just warp existing lore to fit a new narrative (like they did with Shadowlands).

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I think Azeroth will come into being at the end of The Last Titan, Manifesting outside of the Planet. Though I am unsure what Azeroth will be. We have to wait and see.

Didn’t Argus just have a constellation-like form in planet, but when we fought the actual physical form it wasn’t in the planet anymore? Somethings tells me Azeroth doesn’t need to bust out like an egg hatching.

That’s my thoughts too. But we won’t know for sure until Last Titan.

Once the titan hatches, I’m going to do the most petty things like throw chewed gum on the ground or bug her by slamming into the earth at max speed with my dragon. I’d like to think she can detect that kind of stuff. Or I’ll go to the Chamber of Heart and push random buttons on the console. Ask her why there are so many zhevras without hooves or goretusks without livers.


Who said she’s 100% a Titan?

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She needs to pop up and turn out to be a pandaren visage just for the lols. Everyone assumes Night Elf or Troll or something, but I’m not buying it until I see her.

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Probably more destructive than Argus as the Old God attachments spanned the globe. :robot::sweat_drops:

Azeroth popping up in space next to the planet revealed to be a giant Pandaren shaped Spirit Elemental Lord would be amusing :dracthyr_crylaugh:


It is said that Freya tapped into this realm and molded what would become known as the Emerald Dream as a way to commune with the nascent titan

I feel like we’re not done learning about this new place.

The World Tree could be our door into the thoughts and mind of Azeroth. And of course, The War Within a race against time to stop whatever more intrusions by the Old gods or remaining god Xal’atath from accomplishing their goal of corruption.

Who knows…

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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