Now that the horde and alliance are at peace. It’s time to form a united nations where international law can be set up. To prevent future war crimes.
WoW politics is very weak… that part of world development has long been abandoned.
besides, every zone they add to the game is a neutral zone now so…
i wish there was more done there. More worldbuilding.
Don’t you see that will invite more warfare!
i’ll pass on that like being in my own corner over here thank you
imagine thinking you can get cosmology right when you can’t even get world politics correct.
Blizzard “”“writers”“” are somethin’ else…
Their solution to politics is always a council. UC and its people formed a council. The Horde, collectively, also formed a council to replace the Warchief status. I guess the next logical step would be a megacouncil for both factions.
Funny…the original Arathi empire during the First War (now a destroyed Undercity) was actually what amounted to a UN in WoW. The first invasion of the every human kingdom and even the High Elves (at the time) fought underneath the Arathi banner.
The interesting thing though is what does the main Arathi Empire modern and where ever they are) do when we get introduced to them in later expansions? Will they have the main idea that everyone needs to bow to the emperor or will they accept what the world has become?
Get those dirty horde off my team !
Maybe I watched too much Babylon 5 as a kid, but I’d love to see all of the ambassadors of the different Azeroth factions try (and fail) to sit in the same room without getting in fights.
It would be better than putting Anduin in charge of everything, which I suspect is Plan A.
The Alliance is already a United Nations.
Individual nations in the Alliance are still sovereign in their own territory, they’re just also obligated to contribute in military efforts that affect Azeroth as a whole.
But, Ironically, the Orcs don’t pay their protection money to Stormwind so Anduin is going to have to issue tarrifs and look the other way when Ogrimmar is attacked.
The United Nations has been highly effective in the real world.