Azerite traits once patch hits do we know yet?

Do we know yet when we’ll lose access to azerite traits?

I’m really hoping like with legion that we keep it at least if we remain at BFA max level.

Thinking mostly of my longstrider pieces which I’ve gone to great trouble to acquire across my alts. I’d be happy to sit at BFA and do old raids before having to give them up.

Just really hoping they don’t pull the rug under us with patch day and disable EVERYTHING all at once. I know corruptions are gone.

No. They continue to exist until you enter Shadowlands content proper, in which case the Heart of Azeroth is disabled.


some of the DH’s new stuff emulates some of the azerite traits ; so it seems like azerite traits are indeed going away.

im not 100% sure tho, just seems like it.

Under “Going away with shadowlands launch” - You’ll find that connection weakens when you step foot into areas or instances not introduced in Battle for Azeroth, severing features that derive power from it— Essences and Azerite Traits .


So likelihood of longstrider being active inside of pre-BFA raids = 0?

No those will still work. The azerite pieces and neck essences are only disabled in Shadowlands content. Every other piece of content will be fine. Blizzard is just terrible at providing all the information.

lmao so stupid

My god I hate thise borrowed power garbage.

i will miss longstrider too.

seems underwhelming but its actually a very cool trait.
everytime you barely make it out of aoes/cleaves, you know longstrider saved your @$$.

*even more on my warrior. the DH is pretty mobile by default.