Azerite Customization Option For Earthen?

Why don’t Earthen have an Azerite option for their gem color? It’s obvious the colors already exist since we see an Earthen with them address Magni during the main story cinematic after his sacrifice. I hope it will be added later, really wanted that option for my Earthen…


I mean, it does make sense. Magni channeled the power of the World Soul to banish the Void affecting the Titanic systems and restore the damage, which also allowed the Earthen within their individual ‘cells’ to awaken as free entities without the programming of the Titans affecting them.

He literally blasted them with Azerite, with the raw power of the World Soul.

On the other side of that coin, I can understand telling players “Hey, you have veins of raw Azerite inside of you!” would be heinous for the story for multiple reasons, since :

  1. Metzen said he doesn’t like Azerite and feels like it turned the World Soul into a gimmick rather than a mystery to be uncovered.

  1. Azerite is stupidly powerful and is capable of pretty much hand-waving anything the story needs it to. Healing potion needs to restore somebody’s entire body to perfect? Pinch of Azerite. Need a weapon that can kill a Loa in one swing? Infuse Azerite into the weapon during forging. Want to out-do the Pandaren from Half Hill in a Pumpkin Size competition? Feed your pumpkins fertilizer mixed with Azerite dust and boom, you have a kaiju-sized pumpkin monster.

  1. “Artistic Vision” means somebody in the team hates it and we’re gonna need to break a glass ceiling or three before we get Clippy-Blizzard to give us that option.

But seriously, it would be a really cool option to have, even as a cosmetic option!


I think there’s that one special Earthen with the Azerite gems but she wouldn’t be special if we all had them, so she gets to be the only one imbued with Azeroth’s power.

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Her name is Dawn. Shes part of the Earthen intro quests.

I unlocked Earthen tonight, made one that will now live at the bottom of my alt list. But there’s some hair and eye color options that almost pull off Azerite colors.theyre the light purple options. They have a little of of orange sheen to them so one could say its, uh, diluted Azerite or something.


See here i was thinking Azerite could get me a cool rock boyfriend but nope they won’t let me shove Azerite crystals into a playable character. I guess it does have its limits after all! :sob:

Disclaimer: I do not want a rock boyfriend. The puns would be too much to bear. I’m sure he’d be a real gem, even if resorting to such measures would mean I’d finally hit rock bottom. For now, I’m too afraid. Maybe one day I’ll feel boulder.





“Why can’t my Automaton be powered by the crystalized blood of the literal World Soul?”


Hey it’s a valid question! Goblins and Gnomes have been asking this for years.


Mighty bold of you to presume we haven’t already answered this and chosen to not share with the rest of you.

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Oh was this shared somewhere? I’d like to hear his take on it, I suppose he has to keep an outward professional take but I’d love to get the secret tea one day his thoughts on beefa and Shadowlands


It was one of the videos from Blizzcon where he jokes about “Azerite? What’s that? Shadowlands? Where?” to the crowd.

I’ll go trawling for it after work for you.

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I think it’s clear the Earthen are powered by The World Soul/Azerite to some degree due to their racial “Azerite Surge” which the description states;

“Draw upon your inner strength. Release to invoke the power of Azerite to harm your foes and aid your allies.”

Seems pretty concrete to me. I doubt the Earthen possess the same raw power as pure Azerite, or at the least can’t expend it since it is keeping them out of stasis. It would be a cool visual for sure, was shocked when it wasn’t there!

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Rock solid argument with hard evidence. Pretty much set in stone at this point.


No worries, you don’t need to go through the efforts.

I was curious if it was like his interview he did when he left blizzard. There was some fun insights I liked from it that made me appreciate some of the dumb dadcore fantasy elements and rule of cool philosophy.


I honestly don’t see any harm in adding it to the customization, since we already have customization for high elves, night warriors, man’ari eredar, etc.

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This entire problem can be solved by giving azerite a half-life or some form of potential decay.

Or long lasting side effects.

Give Gallywix the Mad Max tumor special.

If I were writing this, it’d be far more Cronenberg/Bodyhorror-ish risks for using the blood of a God for anything, especially if you have to directly infuse the power into yourself to use it. You’re opening metaphysical and spiritual doors you may not be able to close to a source of power even the ‘Gods’ of the setting both fear and covet, there’s a reason ‘mere’ Mortals should not just be directly holding the stuff to their skin or diving into pools of it.

Congratulations, you became immensely powerful. You’re also now a conduit for the World Soul’s influence and intelligence, not just its power, and once it starts to wake up, or you’re not in sync with what it wants, your consent isn’t going to be much of a factor … or worse yet, if we do lean into the ‘Mortals are Fuel’ angle that Shadowlands pushed super heavily, you might come to the horrific realisation that Azerite is how Azeroth processes Anima without relying upon the Shadowlands, and you are a living being that generates Anima