Azaemeerae - Addon installation problem

I know I have done everything correctly, but I still can’t see the addon button either. I reinstalled my game and reinstalled all the addons from the twitch app. But still no Addon Button.

I wish I could include a Picture of my directory to show what it looks like so you can see I have done it right.

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Hey there Azae,

Feel free to post the screenshot on imgur and drop the link here. Example: imgur*com/abc123

I had this issue today. The issue happens when you unzip the addons, it may have a folder name like Bartender-1234 . In that folder, there is another folder called just “Bartender” for example. THIS folder is what actually has to be in the Addons folder. It only looks 1 tree down for config files to think there is an addon. With the unzipped raw folder, there is actually 2 trees down you have to go to get to the config/addon files.


Alternately, might I suggest an addon manager like WoWup. It’s community created and managed - no spam ads, no videos, nothing. Just a simple interface to install and update WoW addons, for both retail and classic. Always free, super stable and, IMO, an excellent alternative to Twitch / Overwolf and/or doing it manually:

This fixed it for me.

Same thing happened when I tried to add Details! Couldn’t find the addon button. I then tried downloading Recount, and it worked perfectly.

Thank you @Lightsauce; spend 3 hours on that and you were correct!