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This handheld PC is using a 4500u, 6 cores 12 threads with 16 gb of ram
Equivalent of zen 2 architecture not the currently zen 3
Getting 100 fps on high resolution at 1280x800 resolution
This is how amazing Ryzen has matured from it’s first generation to now
Would you buy this to play WoW on the go?
Nah, can’t imagine playing WoW with a game pad.
I tried playing FF14 on one and while doing basic stuff it’s fine, but anything intense just isn’t happening.
And if you’re hooking all that stuff up to it, just rather have a laptop.
This is going to be amazing to see LGR review in the year 2035 though.
This latest round of Ryzen based handheld PCs is really promising. Not quite where I’d need them to be to buy one, but they’re moving in the right direction. Could see them improving quite a lot in the next 2-3 years, especially if AMD uses the die space gained from process shrinks to beef up the integrated Radeon on their APUs.
As for WoW on one, I think melee classes could work pretty well, especially for more casual stuff like questing. For casters I could see targeting being hairy, though that’s partially relieved by this thing having a touch screen.
Prob if to connect to works wifi but on the go cell service prob not. Of course also depends how well the control works.
It would be fun to play FFXI (not the inferior FFXIV) on the go but not for $700. I already have a laptop for that.
Is 11 still rolling? My brother played it on the PS2 and it always blew my mind how he could do it with a controller.
It’s still pretty popular. Jeuno and Adoulin are always packed on Asura to where I get some slowdown. I’ve played it off and on since PS2 beta and I just never get tired of it. I also play with a controller because that’s the only way I’ve played it. It works great where FFXIV I use the WoW layout.
I played it on PC when it first came out - didn’t get too far as an Elvaan Dragoon.
Terrible accuracy, worthless for 2hrs when your little dude died, and waiting outside for hours on end at the Crawler’s Nest really got to me eventually.
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Waiting around is why I cancelled when WoW was released. I’d go back from time to time but once trusts were added I stayed. I have all jobs at 99 except Puppetmaster, which I just haven’t gotten around to. Installing an HD texture pack and some mods with Windower also make it look a lot better.
I have only tried to play it once again several years ago with my wife - but we didn’t get very far again.
14 is a good game, but feels great because it’s a single-player game with multiplayer elements.
Guess AMD doesn’t want to wait for the Switch Pro.