Guild Information:
Schedule: Tuesday 9-12pm (EST) / Thursday 9-12pm (EST)
Loot System: DFT-Fight-Club
Style: Semi-Hardcore Dad Guild
Discord: Jambii#3706
About Us:
Axios was founded by the former GM of in Classic which was a top 15 guild on the server. The guild took a very “Laissez Faire” approach to classic wow and raiding. Axios is more focused on finding members that know their class and fights so we can clear the highest level of content, while understanding we each have lives outside the game and are here to have fun.
We expect you to have your main to 80 by the time raids are released. Come to raid with full consumables knowledge of each fight, fully gemmed and enchanted. We expect each member to respect each other’s time completely as most of us have a limited amount to spend on the game.
Recruitment needs:
- Restoration Shaman
- Restoration Druid
- Assassination/Combat Rogue
- Affliction Warlock
- Enhance Shaman
- Frost Death Knight
Don’t see your class above? Axios is always seeking exceptional players regardless of class!