With the Sun is currently looking for players for both raid teams and our M+ community.
Both raid teams are made up of former CE raiders and longtime mythic raiders. Our goal is AOTC with as many bosses in mythic without it being a job. We want to keep a fun and light atmosphere while still progressing and downing bosses.
Dawn (morning team)
Sat/Sun 8am - 11am EST
8/8N, 7/8H
Dawn is heading into Mythic and looking for the following roles
Healer - Evoker/hPala
Ranged DPS
Dusk (night team)
Fri/Sat 9pm - midnight EST
8/8N, 7/8H, 1/8M
Currently full but if interested, please reach out!!
We are currently growing our M+ community. We are looking for key runners of all IO levels. We have players from 2400+ IO on down. Tired of pugging keys but want to focus on M+? Come join us!
If you have any questions or would like to chat, please reach out:
Discord: Nicolant#8023
Btag: Dangle#11463