Awesome/Badass Paladin Names

The Great White Buffalo




Blackadin (dark skinned human male)










I rather like mine, you have to think about it, it'll sink in.
<----- Named after the Azor Ahai, the Prince who was promised from A Song of Ice and Fire who used the flaming sword called lightbringer.
<- Pretty epic.
Ambassador Lightsmith here.....where's the beer?

Oh and my suggestion is to look through the titles and think of an awesome name that goes with one. Chef Boyhardee for example.
Looking at your picture you have no hair to flip... so I guess Fabio is out!
i like my name seeing its my 1st reaction to when i see a holy paladin in a arena :)
<---------- ;)
<--- Cause Paladins are silly (in the best way possible)
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I'm glad I got this name oh so long ago.

This guy's even older than my main...
<----- best pallie name :)
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I agree with Royers, I originally meant to name my guy Horace after the knight in the Ranger's Apprentice books but it was taken so I decided to add a suffix to it thus Horacein was created. Now I have found it as one of my internet trademarks.

Just make up a name. At first your name will probably seem pretty stupid, but once you get to 85 and find a guild / get used to your character the name will prop itself up in my experience.

I think Royers is a retarded name - it came from an inside joke involving my bad hand writing and an attempt to label a dog bowl " Rover 2", but it's kind of become my internet alter-ego, and a surprising number of other players have complemented it.

You can pretty much make anything that's easy to pronounce and recognize work, I think Royers seems Paladin-y to some people because it contains Roy and alludes to Royal / Roi.

Just make up a name. At first your name will probably seem pretty stupid, but once you get to 85 and find a guild / get used to your character the name will prop itself up in my experience.

I think Royers is a retarded name - it came from an inside joke involving my bad hand writing and an attempt to label a dog bowl " Rover 2", but it's kind of become my internet alter-ego, and a surprising number of other players have complemented it.

You can pretty much make anything that's easy to pronounce and recognize work, I think Royers seems Paladin-y to some people because it contains Roy and alludes to Royal / Roi.
Nice necro...
07/25/2011 08:17 PMPosted by Lobster
Lobster the Tasty.

Checked to see if you use the "Salty" title and was disappoint. :(

Edit: Holy necro. Lul
So, tasteyface is not an epic name.....dammnit.

/hangs head
So, tasteyface is not an epic name.....dammnit.

/hangs head

Aww, I like your name.