<----- Bow down to the Might of the Valkyria /lulz
best name right here
When I was still alliance, I had the title Knight-Captain... and my name of course was Obvious.
Legionnaire Foritaine doesn't make the other team laugh :(
Legionnaire Foritaine doesn't make the other team laugh :(
best name ever
best name ever
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<------ Chowders first attempt at making his own food and opening his own restaurant. FOOFINSCOOPS!
Divine/Pure would be cool.
I've pretty much always liked my name.
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Used to be:
Sergeant Pepper.
Sergeant Pepper.
Sorry mine is already taken.
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Why do people do it? Why? Why do they say things like "<---- Best Name Evar!" in reference to their names and then when you read their name it isn't that special? I get my hopes up and they are let down almost every single time. I feel like crying. Stop hurting me.
Dude Jaximus...
Lazer collection fTW!