AWC timing needs to be different if it effects live tuning

TLDR: Tuning needs to continue even when AWC is going on -or- AWC timing needs to change. BM hunter is the best spec in the game by far right now, has no counterability to its damage because its a pet spec that never casts and can move while doing all of its damage and has good defensives and cc on top of that, there is a reason every lobby in shuffle has 1, but a lot of lobbies have 2-3. Almost every 3s team has one. Tuning is not happening because of AWC, thats obvious, but that should not be the case.

We’ve seen over the course of this season tuning slows down or stops entirely while AWC tournaments are going on. The week before a tournament/cup starts we see no tuning, and it takes until that cup is over to see any tuning as well. The fact AWC is at the start of the season really effects this because tuning needs to be an ongoing thing especially at the start of a season.

BM hunters obviously need to be tuned down right now, they are dominating everywhere and shuffle lobbies frequently have 2-3 of them. We haven’t gotten any tuning though because AWC starts up again next week, so now we are sitting with multi BM lobbies and BM hunters on every 3s team.

This spec is an awful one to have in this state because there is no counterability to a pet class that never casts and can move while doing all of its damage, has good cc, good defensives, is easy to play and the pet size bug is extremely annoying as well. This is similar to what happened to ret in 10.0.7 except it isn’t as strong of course, but ret was extremely easy to play and was seen in every lobby of solo shuffle, often 2-3 every lobby.


Putting development on hold for a YT video that gets 70k views half of which are accidental F5 browser refreshes is cool.

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Or, conversely, they’re using the AWC to determine the tuning

Yeah, it’s one thing if League gets pro-specific tuning because that game gets hundreds of thousands of viewers. AWC gets like 15k max. Literally no reason to not balance the game.

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I think they’ve done pvp tuning this close to an awc before

I think AWC is more of an excuse than the actual reason for stretching out the time between tuning adjustments.

You can’t expect timely and (more importantly) quality tuning adjustments to the game mode when they do not have a dedicated pvp team. (If they did have one they would of paraded them around by now.)

Every other game mode gets faster and better focused adjustments because they have developers specifically for that content, be they dungeon encounters, raid encounters, quests or what not.

I find it hilarious BM gets so much hate.

Feral needs to get gutted, spriest needs to get gutted, and both specs are more represented at 2400+ MMR.

Sorry BM dominates 1600-2100. Same thing with DH in DF S4.

classic poster moment

boy oh boy I wonder what you main and just got rating on for the first time ever


That’s a bit hyperbolic. BM damage can be greatly slowed down by mages, shamans, and ironically other hunters. AOE roots and AOE CC during call of the wild is very effective and almost every spec in the game has at least 1 (only spec that doesn’t have a single AOE CC is rogue iirc)

have to base the classes performance of hundreds of thousands of players off of 40 people making a mcdonalds salary

I dont think its very hyperbolic, there is a reason there is a BM in almost every single 3s game, sometimes 2 of them, same for shuffle. Sometimes 3 of them in shuffle lol. They are popular now because the spec is insanely easy to play, easy to survive on and easy to kill people with because it does more damage than other specs with less button presses and no way outside of roots to shut down pet damage. Sure roots are effective vs bm for sure, but there are counters to most specs that are also doing well right now too. It is definitely the best spec in the game right now.

Not gonna lie they should still Tune even with AWC coming up, BM damage is off the charts right now and most teams will still play the comps they were playing before if BM is nerfed because they haven’t had a chance to play BM in AWC yet (Well they did, but BM was garbage tier and those teams lost). They should just tune the damage Tuesday and those teams will just keep playing the comps they practiced with all AWC without any change.

Yea this is always a good way to stop the CoTW damage, but right now Black Arrow is tuned way too high. That needs to be brought back down to reality and have the proc rate reduced for BM Hunters. This way it doesn’t effect MM (Who is sadly gutter tier right now).