AWC Tier List! What classes will make the difference?

Ya im curious to see what happens tmo with changes, but moonkin probably dead in the water vs cleaves if it doesnt have op sub rogue to carry.

Wonder if deep roots + Root off CD is gonna be the move XD

Good thing no1 besides their team has a dk on it.

kalvish and ntd would beat anything as rogue boomy

Ya that’s what I’m saying.
And prev/drake quit yeah, so no ret/hunter either.

For sure. I’m curious to see how they play after the changes tmo. If sub is meaningfully nerfed, I think the comp is dead. If sub is still fine (which it may very well be) comp will still be giga broken.

Pro players who play wow as a full time job, can make any class look op.

Soon enough NA will realize outlaw is better then sub rogue

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Think it depends on the comp/mu, no?

Dont get me wrong, i think outlaw is just as strong as sub in a tournament/high ladder scenario (with sub having an edge because of duel).

What’s the exact math on stun uptime between the two specs?

I just fail to see how something like outlaw rogue could keep boomy alive into dh/dk where sub couldnt.

Outlaw can run disarm obviously where sub cant as much but still.

I can watch him sometimes, but the guy complains so much when he loses and gloats so much when he wins. Which is a shame, 'cus Trill and Mes are both nothing like that.

Also, did I miss DH on the list or did he just not put it there? lolol

DH has alway been bad in AWC lol

did nt Cdew and crew win with a DH?

Not sure, dont think so. I remmeber dh never won any tournament even in legion.

was 2018 AWC Bommie DH Resto Shammy

Boomy is absolutely cooked tmrw vs cleaves. But I also just see affi/hpal/x comp stocks going up MASSIVELY tomorrow. Like they are going to take over.

Wizk is by far the worst mechanical pro player and just shows how little that matters on most classes. It’s about decision making.

problem with rogue players is that they don’t play the game hardly so no one knows how strong they really are, they all hide in the shadows :male_detective:

Yea, they won a Blizzcon with DH/Boomie.

DH had stun/mana burn, and Boomkin had an Azerite Power cheese to build up massive amounts of Int before the go.

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Then you don’t watch the man. He has some of the most insane mechanical plays I’ve seen it puts most of EU to shame.

No he doesn’t. He literally clicks his teammates for casting on them. It’s mind boggling how bad it is but with the gcd the difference is minor. He is the only person you’re going to see clicking friendly frames anywhere near that level with their real character.

I’m not sure you know what mechanics are. Wow doesn’t have too many areas of mechanical demand. Exception is probably insane rogues like pika and survival

I also do that and yet I’ve competed against him for MULTIPLE expansions. You can click your teammates plates if you need to, but if you ever actually watched the guy play, his gameplay alone is next level compared to any other spri. His decision making is also a tier beyond anyone else.

It’s crazy to me that you actually look at Wizk and think “that guy sucks because he clicks his team frames”. A lot of people do that because they simply don’t want to have a bunch of extra binds and your mouse positioning shouldn’t be in africa to affect that.

You’re the equivalent of that glad lock the other day who made an AWC tier list and put absterge in the f tier lmao. No clue what you’re talking about and thinking that one thing that’s comfortable to another person is bad. also that’s the tier list if anyone wants a laugh. The guy clicks everything and only plays destro mind you.

Yes it’s bad. Gcd makes it less bad but nothing about it screams mechanics.

If you can’t handle the binds then you aren’t mechanically capable. That’s the point. He’s the weakest mechanical pro.

It doesn’t mean he isn’t good enough to compete since most of wow is knowledge and vision. Just means you have bad mechanics. He’s incredibly good because of this. Nobody is saying HE is bad. Just bad mechanics. Mechanics just don’t matter a lot on most classes.

Spriest doesn’t even have a lot of binds

Also he isn’t as good as prev. For sure.