AWC Tier List! What classes will make the difference?

I got it fixed! Thank you :smiley:

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FDK should be higher. Dev/FDK is ridiculous.

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Oh man I forget which one it was, but we had one this expansion where they put out a patch like 2 days before the tournament. It was when everyone had to drop what they were doing and become a rogue main.

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Sub Rogs, Locks, Boomkins and Rdruids running rampant.

Disc isn’t even B tier for AWC. Spec contributes nothing for winning a game, has no PvE healing, can’t hold out in longer games and get’s CC-ed on CD. Best case scenario you see it a few games with RMP but RMD is literally just better right now

I think it all depends on how the nerfs impact. I was 100% with you until the recent patch notes. I think if sub finally dies (good riddance) then moonkin dies along with it.
Same with Rdruid nerfs, but it’ll probably still be the best healer.

Locks are the clear standout for me.


Maybe I am not insane! I swear back in BFA there were times were TR was just extremely different or on a different patch than what live was.

They’ve definitely kept to older patches in the past. I’m not sure how consistent they’ve been.

disrespecting mes like this is uncalled for

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Now for AWC imo. For ladder where people might see it rarely and forget how to react to the goes correctly it’s a lot better, but when you can play multiple games vs it and practice how to react almost every team is going to be able to avoid dying to it.

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Maybe, but every FDK I have fought recently absolutely pumps during their go. For it’s ranking/rep, FDK isn’t as bad as many people are saying. I don’t disagree that it might fall flat in the AWC though.

Not trying to say FDK is terrible but their burst honestly isn’t that great. If you saw the recent Palumor video Xeek actually used a PvE breath build to burst which is completely non-viable in PvP because the actual PvP build has pretty poor single target burst damage. The strength is in cc’ing the entire team and cleaving with streak/oblit on all of them and switching to someone you get low and gibbing them. AWC teams really aren’t going to let that happen consistently.

I agree and almost no low repped spec ever is. It’s usually just a result of the class having a better spec that people switch to instead or the spec just not being popular for whatever reason. Anyone that looks at FDK rep compared to say DH and thinks FDK is actually 10x worse just because it has 10x less rep at X rating doesn’t understand the game. FDK can be really strong in some situations and FDK/Evoker can climb pretty high on the ladder by catching people with their pants down in one off games that they weren’t prepared for. I just don’t think it will ever be comp that can consistently beat equally skilled players that get some reps in vs it.

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Do agree. I think it’s just rough for some comps to counter the damage and given it’s short CD, if you can live for a second go or two, it’s going to catch up to almost any team.

For sure.

I doubt they’ll bring out anything but rogue boomy unless they think maybe dh dk is a better matchup into rog mage / rog boomy / rog destro


Because AWC players aren’t welfare glads with zero game awareness pve’ing each other to death.

Shadow is good but it stops being good when people who know how to shut them down can and do shut them down.

Doesn’t apply to 99% of the people posting here, naturally.

idk what to tell u if u think its c tier in awc buddy.

They looked pretty c tier last time out.

Idk man, you being bad into shadow or me being bad into arms doesn’t make those specs A tier.

Most comps people will be playing will be able to stop the go. E.g. boomy comps just play incap roar instead of bash, and the moment the boomy gets gripped in he just presses it if he fails hte wild charge disengage.

They said on stream that they wouldnt wanna play rogue/boomy into dh/dk, but I’m not sure it matters since idk any teams that play a DK.

Don’t tell him that no one wants to play boomy into dk or dh cleaves. Might break his brain that they can’t w key without going bear every 5 seconds to random death sweep globals.