100% a bug. It’s adding a far larger cooldown than it should be when you get kicked.
Then again, Dew’s team did abuse lively spirit and earth ele traits to win blizzcon. Can’t be 2 salty they got knocked down by neurotoxin xd.
Yeah, it puts Penance and other abilities on a 30 second CD and Wiz said it puts Warlock Fear on a 50 second CD. Wonder what else it makes 50 seconds.
Watch them hotfix it and then get 3-0’d the rest of the tournament.
Also @doritotko they also ran TSG and I think WLD. At least that’s what Pika was saying last night.
I was told by the people that went vs them they mirrored as RLD
This tournament sucks. Thanks Rdruids.
Rmd/p = mehhhhhhhhhhh
Maledict on every kill so far, wow. Double maledict just killed Ashley from 50%
Yeah but actually happy for that trinket at the moment. Was scared it’d be another 55% damp game snoozefest.
Ppl are only dien because they banned pve trinkets.
Imagine if ward or that other one were allowed omegalul…
The diamond one? Didn’t know they banned PvE trinkets. Hard to stay interested in these long games and the casters do not sound excited at all during early games. Devs are way out of touch with PvP.
Trinkets should not be something that is a win condition for your team. It should be you setting up kills with your abilities. Every series I’ve seen so far seems like Maledict is the thing that ends the game.
This is such bad design, and looks extremely lazy. Imagine how people that don’t have this trinket feel right now on Live going against people that do simply because they got lucky. Blizzard, wake the %$# up already.
I felt that Rets pain as he was in the middle of the map getting controlled and pelted with casts waddling around helpless and scared.
Everyone can get one next reset so heh
10 characters
Week 4 is trinkets iirc unless mala/safeguard aren’t apart of that.
They’d be ilvl 385 right? Guess it’s better than nothing…
It’s a bug and not working as intended. From what we were seeing yesterday too just even queing ladder as ret hunter when my priest would get kicked on penance with neurotoxin up it would put it on CD for 45 seconds (instead of 10). The ability is completely bugged lol.
Ok comparing an intended broken mechanic to actually exploiting a bug for how an ability shouldn’t work is nowhere near the same. Even their tricks with lively spirit wasn’t a bug - it was actually just realizing on how you could use the intended mechanics to your advantage. Neurotoxin is not working as it is intended. You can’t compare the two.
The comparison is the very definition of “clever use of overpowered game mechanics” vs “exploiting a software error”.
Honestly, exploiting Neurotoxin intentionally should be a suspendable offense (and it is).
Agree with that
Also on a joking note if you play rogue mage and lose while abusing neurotoxin you should be arrested… Losing as rogue mage is already an extremely heinous crime and losing while abusing this is too much to handle.
That’s actually hilarious because nessper was losing to me abusing it as rmpala with xaryu and dizl.