Awakened amirdrassil heroic achievement problem

Hi, I did complete the Heroic Amirdrassil raid yesterday with my toon Mortelli, it was the first time I complete the awakened raid(did not do VoI or Aberus with him) and he doesnt have 2K Io but I never received the Mark with the achievement. I did it with another toon after and got it. How can I get the token I am entitled to get with the achievement?

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I would imagine you’re referring to the token for a tier set/transmog piece in relation to the Dragonflight Season 4 Master achievement. This would be rewarded upon completing all three raids on Awakened Heroic (on the same character), reaching 1500 or higher Mythic+ rating, or reaching 1600 rating (Challenger II or higher) in Rated PvP (Solo Shuffle, 2v2, 3v3, or Rated Battlegrounds)

Also, you will only receive one of these Marks per character, so completing either of the two you’ve yet to do on the character (did all three last season on this Druid) will not grant you additional tokens.

This isn’t correct. You only have to complete 1 of the following being any of the three raids on awakened heroic, 1500+ M+ rating, or PVP rating. You do not need to currently complete all 3 but I would think that would be better.

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Interesting, only have to beat one hmm? Well, suppose that makes it pretty fun for me to do sometime.

I am not, I am reffering to the Awakened mark of mastery, which is awarded for one of the following; 2000 IO or killing all boss in heroic in one of the awakened raid. This can be awarded once per character and I already have it with other toons. This mark can be exchanged against a heroic tier piece.

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Amirdrassil isn’t giving credit for awakened heroic runs at the moment. Hopefully it’ll be retroactively rewarded but who knows.

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I did all of heroic yesterday and didnt get one either. I was awarded the normal achievement not the heroic one.