Avoid "Takensoul" GM of "Red Guard" (Alliance) - bad experience rant

Hey Whitemane,

I had a bad experience with “Takensoul” GM of “Red Gaurd” in ZG.

Beware -

At the start of the ZG it was pretty clear he was belligerent and drunk. He claimed it was a GDKP raid, but as the raid got started he proclaimed without warning “if nobody bids 2500 on raptor or tiger, I’ll be taking them for myself” - an immediate omen of bad fortune for our raid. We clipped this and I have proof, if interested whisper “Kurnzy - Whitemane” on classic era.

As the raid got started there were multiple wipes as a result of bad coordination and not paying attention to berserkers and at each boss and every single boss he forgot to masterloot the boss in his drunken stupor and then downplayed it. He also refused to auction anything off, keeping all of the loot in his bags.

He kept going afk, probably 3-4 5 minute random afk breaks for no reason.

By raptor boss, people had to hearth out and repair/get repair bots.

I spoke up in discord and genuinely tried to help out, offering to masterloot and calling out targets he was missing since he was so intoxicated which caused him to start lashing out at me and be more rude and beligerant. He insisted that “it was just ZG” and continued to downplay how terribly the group was doing.

At snake boss, he went afk yet again and the group wiped on the trash before the boss after jumping off the ledge into the area. Someone else had suggested we jump down into the pit (not me) and we did, leading to a wipe. He blamed me for this and kicked me from the group without letting me roll on any of the gear that was still in his bags.

A genuinely terrible experience with this guy, angry, unaccounable, and absolutely trashed.

After he kicked me multiple players just left the raid and messaged me they left to protest his ridiculous behavior and the run fell apart.

Super lame.

classic era btw

he ninjad the disenchants and also the sword off the Raptor boss

These drunken idiots getting out of hand lmao. Deff will avoid him now

“Kurnzy-Whitemane” This guy gets into trouble in many places. I can’t believe this writing either. Accidents always happen where he goes.
Rather, I don’t trust the writer.

Oh hey Celltrion. Still sliding into GDKP runs with westfall gear and demanding gold for “carrying”? Are you still successfully scamming people into boosting you on Hydro kills in DME? What about you trying to extort money out of levelling characters?


Feel free to join the discord for added context. Just search his name in alliance general.

This guy sure does sound like a scammer, avoid Jinjew and kurnzy runs

I mean avoid takensoul runs, unless you want to get scammed

Yea I was in Takensouls run at one point, and he kept items and didnt bid them off and would kick people even though it was his fault and didnt give the right amount of payouts, just bad news overall, avoid takensoul