[Class/Spec]: Ret with a focus into Holy, Warlock is at 60
[Availability]: Any night after 6pm central, weekends open, Bachelor- play alot
[Contact]: Darkx121 -disc
[Professions]: Working on this
[Gear]: I will have to catch up, leveling palidan now
[Guild Type]: Leaning hardcore, but semi hardcore works well
[Experience]: Played all Vanilla-Cata end game achieves present via retail client, looking to swap back to Classic for ICC and Cata, cata was my favorite to raid in. Played BFA Shadowlands and DF, many AOTCS and hardcore achieves. Many mythic achievs as well, but didnt care as much for that as actual raiding.
Comments: Essentially im making a comeback to wow classic, retail has lost its edge for me. I have deep end game knowledge of many classes. Raided vanilla-cata on resto sham, my goal is to get my current palidan up there quickly to raid as holy. I enjoy healing mostly, but down to jam dps as well. My main on horde retail is Darkx-Thrall US, have every other class at max level on retail. I know this is a stretch but im looking for a friendly crew that I can invest in and vice versa. Looking early and often for a new home. Shoot me a message on Discord if interested. Thanks for your time
Can isolate retail logs if necessary. I know its quite early, but im planning ahead. Maybe worth it to your guild. Looking to help out
Many solid Cata achieves - all heroic, with dates. We missed Sinestra and Alakir but should be of some help to a guild.
Achieved Bane with shaman pre nerf to fight and pre buff to shaman. Solo platform