<Avid Indoorsmen> Casual AOTC Raiding Team

Hi there! Are you possibly interested in just a casual player that isnt into raiding much? im a stay at home mom over older kids and am looking for a great group of people to make friends with! I have played since Vanilla although real life has gotten ahold of me a few times and took some breaks here and there. I put an in game app in just in case. have a great day!

I apologize for the delayed response. I never saw the in-game app and alerts failed me! Would love to connect and see if we could be a good fit.

New raid tier hype!

We would welcome a few like-minded players to the team for this final tier of Dragonflight as we think about long-term plans.

We are mostly looking for DPS players at this time, but have some flexibility if a dedicated healer main is interested.

The best way to reach us is via Bnet friend request to set up a discord chat. Sylvaticus#1883. Look forward to connecting!

Anybody of the Priest variety or non-tank Druid out there looking for a relaxed but productive environment, please give us a shout! We are regularly clearing normal and starting our Heroic AOTC push.

Thank you in advance!

Hey there! I saw you may need a non-tank druid! I’m a 461 ilvl feral playing on Emerald Dream but looking to xfer off and find a new home! I sent you a battle.net request and look forward to chatting with you!

Welcome to the team!

Still looking for a Priest (Shadow & Heals) to round out our roster for this tier!

Any Mage or Priest players out there looking to make a change for Season 4 and beyond? We would love the opportunity to welcome you to the team!

Priest found! Any Mages out there looking for Season 4 and beyond?