Avenging Wrath not working correctly

Avenging wrath is supposed to allow me to use hammer of wrath on any target without restriction, according to the tooltip. This does not happen. I have both hammer of wrath and avenging wrath talented, and am able to use hammer of wrath normally. However, when using avenging wrath, it does not at all affect the way hammer of wrath functions.


This is also happening to me, but oddly on only one of my paladins (not the ones I’m posting from). They have the same talent build, so I don’t think it’s due to that. The only difference is that the one it’s happening on is only level 54, not 60.

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i can use hammer of wrath when using avenging wrath, make sure you are targeting something otherwise it pop up as an option to use

As of 10/28. Lvl 28 Ret Pally with Avenging Wrath allocated, it is not doing as the tooltip says by allow hammer of wrath on any target.


Same here, not working on my lvl 50 paladin


Same issue lvl 28 paly


Same issue on my level 28 pally - Use avenging wrath and it’s not usable on any target, only during the normal >20% HP range


I tested this multiple times against single targets – it’s just bugged.

Interestingly enough, at some point it started working again. I can’t tell if this was because I reached a certain level, or if it was because I took particular talents (that I could now take due to being a certain level).

Either way, clearly it’s affecting multiple people and is something Blizzard should investigate.

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same issue level 37 pally.


Same here, Avenging Wrath won’t let me cast hammer of wrath. I Have tried:
-Disabling addons
-Casting directly spell from spellbook
-Changing talents and changing back
-Changing Specialization and changing back

Nothing seems to work, I hope they fix this soon, or it fixes itself soon!


level 27 now 28 alliance paladin same problem, doesn’t affect my lvl 60 horde paladin.

I am experiencing the same problem. Avenging Wrath does not allow use of the Hammer of Wrath on any target. Since picking up the talent, it has not worked. Currently level 46 and checked in both Holy and Protection specialization.

Level 56, have
Avenging wrath (2 min cd, damage/heal 20% and hammer of wrath for 25 sec)
Sanctified Wrath (adds 1 extra holy power for casting judgement)
Switched on (after the test)
and then switched that to
Avenging Wrath: Might
I would like to note, the buff tooltip does not include text about being able to cast the hammer of wrath, but it also doesn’t contain anything beyond damage, healing and critical strike +20%
but it DOES give me 2 holy power when i cast judgement.
Last test to try (and have fiddled with much of this on my 60 horde, still works there) is to see what happens in 4 levels when i hit 60.

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Last test, did mists of tyrna scythe (spelling?) at 57, it didn’t work still. After Tredova i hit 58, ran plaguefall. First boss hit it and it is working now. Can’t imagine between dungeons anything else changed, but it NOW functions on both my horde lvl 60 (always) and my 58 alliance…sooooo lvl capped for some reason?

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Me too, also on a leveling paladin, from first picking up the talent to now = level 37.

I experienced the same issue, Hammer of Wrath not working properly with Avenging Wrath from the Paladin tree, on all of my paladins, all of them below lvl 50, and looked into it a bunch because it just simply wasn’t working. I can confirm that it seems to be a feature that only works at or above level 58, as I got one of my paladins to level 58 and it spontaneously started working, as others have reported.

It’s pretty silly that you can take that particular talent in the 20s but have to wait 30+ whole levels to use it, with no indication that this is the case in the skill itself. I can only guess that they forgot to remove the level requirement if it was a passive granted at 58 before - I’ve never played paladins a whole lot, so I’m not sure.

Oh good, it’s not must me. Ever since the last update neither of my paladins can use hammer of wrath during avenging wrath. Thought I had something set wrong. Hopefully they’ll fix this today.

A little game breaking, don’t you think @Blizzard?

Hapenning to me as well. Avenging Wrath is not enabling free usage of Hammer of Wrath. Quite game breaking bug.

Avenging Wrath remains glitched. I can’t use Hammer of Wrath as intended. Hello, Blizzard???

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