Avenger's Shield a Good Start - Now Nerf Lightning Breath

Start picking off this abused OP trash one at a time.


Nerf Penance and PoM.


Avenger shield isn’t OP lol. It does bad damage and is on a 30 sec CD. There are abilities hitting over 1k.

Starsurge does more damage and is on a 6 sec CD. Maybe Avenger Shield should be on a 10 sec CD instead of 30.


Stop crying nerf and just enjoy the chaos.

Starsurge didn’t have an irremovable snare component, and clearly they felt the same since it’s already been fixed.

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Lightning Breath isn’t even the meta anymore since it’s already been nerfed kekw.

Priest dispell

Except when it hits 300+ dmg still.

Read the patch notes moron, nothing removed Avenger’s Shield snare, they literally just fixed that.

That’s if it crits. It costs 50 focus to use. It’s still not meta anymore.

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That was a bug. Everyone is acting like this was a nerf… it was a bug fix


Crazy because every hunter in pvp is using it still, must not of gotten the memo.

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They aren’t. You just want everything nerfed to over compensate for being bad. Ret wasn’t nerfed as someone just mentioned btw, it was a bug fix.


Lightning Bolt is the real skill that needs to be nerfed. The other day I saw a shaman casting that on me in WSG. I ignored him, and it didn’t really hurt, but damn the nerve on that guy! What was he thinking??


All the ones I see are, lol. And who can blame them? It’s a spammable ranged attack by a pet that crits for 250-300.

Actually. They are.

Still not a big deal. I just kill the pets/demons. – Boooy, the hunter sure get mad at me though; like “chase me down”-mad. xD

((Pretty sure the pet stays dead upon the player rezzing and requires the Revive skill…so there should be a Happiness hit.))

They aren’t xD it’s cat/raptor meta now. Same as when scorpid got nerfed and you still saw them. Some people are just late to the party. Point is, it’s already been nerfed. Hunter has been nerfed more than a handful of times. Pet is not tanky like it used to be. Stop being bad and kite the pet back and kill it and stop crying for nerfs.


Interesting how vociferously you’re defending something that’s “non-meta” then. What would be the harm in nerfing it if there are way better options?

Fact of the matter is that wind serpent spamming high damage attacks from range is toxic and has less counterplay than melee pets.

It needed to be nerfed (fixed) because it was doing a 10s daze effect that was unremovable by normal means. It was acting as if it was a mob daze (when you get hit from behind by a mob). Hunter’s Concussive Shot is also a “daze” (according to the tooltip), but is able to be properly removed.

It doesn’t need one. It does high dmg from 40+ yards away every 6 sec.

Avenger shield does no damage on a 30 sec CD and Paladins are in wheel chairs. I’d say Pally needs Divine Steed or some type of movement if they don’t have a Daze.

The only good thing about Avenger shield was the Daze. They really need some sort of compensation now.

It still works exactly like it did before bro

They just fixed the unintended mob daze

Paladins are fine

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