This prevents anyone from completing the “Back from Beyond” Achievement and obtaining the mount. To my knowledge, this is at least 5 week old problem.
Also no one can check this week because the correct fishing hole is no longer up, but I’d bet you dollars to donuts that “Taking from Nature” is ALSO still broken, preventing players from completing the “A World Awoken” achievement and cheating players out of THAT mount. The is also a multi-week problem the Devs apparently don’t feel like fixing.
Thanks! (for nothing)
Yeah both Rampage and Avenge Me! are broken since the release of 10.2.7.
I agree. It’s ridiculous that Blizzard has taken this long, when players spent weeks and months doing the requirements for the Mega-Achievements. Only to be stopped by two minor pithling achievement bugs. If they won’t fix them, they should just remove them as requirements for the mounts.
Broken for me too. this sucks.
Been waiting weeks for this one to get repaired, I open a ticket sometimes to ask if they’ll grant me the achievement. They said they would not.
Attempted this multiple times and still broken. My question, if it’s a known issue and they can’t devote anyone to fixing this bug, then why not simply remove it as a requirement from the achievement?
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/bump please fix this Bliz.
Also bumping, hoping for an update. Why can’t this be removed if they aren’t going to fix it?
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Bump! Please resolve the issue.
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Just need it for the Meta… pls fix it as possible as you can…
Bump!! Meta-achieve? Aka mega-annoying.
/bump. Still busted Blizz, do something about it
Bump, still waiting for it to complete the meta.
bump - please fix this asap blizz </3
Bump tested it again, still not working.
I spent 30 mins trying to figure out what i was doing wrong for these two achievements only to find out their bugged. Glad I am not the only one with the issue but sucks they still haven’t fixed the problem and its tied to a mount.
blizz hotfixed this achieve as of 11.0!! get ur achieve yall!
Still not triggering for me.
NM, Third time was the charm.