WSG and AB are classic BGs and I am happy with their refresh. AV is my favorite Epic BG, and it deserves a refresh also.
There has to be fellow BG fans who agree, right?
It is much larger map, but isn’t it worth it?
Some of the “refreshes” have created issues for PvP consumables (Rallying Flag for example). For some strange reason, certain items don’t recognize these “refreshed” maps as PvP bgs and won’t work in them.
I wish they would fix these underlying bugs before they consider any more “refreshes”. Also, the new “refreshed” Deepwind Gorge is trash, the pre-refresh version with 3 nodes and a runnable flag was better.
yes and no. when they refresh the maps, they bring a lot of the modern map technology in and a lot of spells do not work the same.
its too big to be a normal bg, it needs to be an epic.
I miss it so much.
They couldn’t have done the updated version as another Pandaria theme BG?
I actually do like the updated BG concept in general though.
I’d just prefer they reskinned the old ones to “HD” standards than fully rework them though. The game as a whole could do with some graphical overhauls in old content that’s heavily revisited.
They just need to change it back to the old version, barely anyone likes the “refresh” version of this map. Seething Shore and Deepwind Gorge are consistently the most disliked bg maps from the regular rotation.
People would just hate it even more with your suggestion. Keep it in the regular bg rotation so I don’t have to deal with it, I already have to deal with Wintergrasp as it is - don’t need another unfun bg added into the mix.
The correct play really was to simply update the graphics of the original map to HD - they didn’t need to ruin the bg by making it a watered-down Arathi Basin.

People would just hate it even more with your suggestion.
we dont have a proper domination map in the epic rotation. closest was battle for nazjatar wpvp during bfa.
I wouldn’t mind a HD remake of AV, along the lines of Warsong and Arathi - just updating the skins and textures. The trees, fences and buildings are really starting to show their age.
interesting idea,
but 1000% no. At this point all the bits and bobs in AV are historical trivia, nostalgicaly important. And they should be preserved. AV is a very complex thing with tons and tons of interactions, dipping into that is … well, you end up with something that’s not AV if it’s a “refresh”.
all it needs is just 1 thing -> not to be a zerg. The primary way to have that happen is for NPC to be serious things that can’t be skipped.
after that, only small moves please.
I only want a graphical refresh of structures and trees. It looks like 2005. I always want technical updates to make the BG more fun.
The Zerg mentality can be stopped or slowed with some coordinated defense.
disagree, the NPC matter. They buffed in BFA and it was great, it fundamentally changed the gameplay, stopped the zerg and made everything tons more fun. And when power creep destroyed that they did it again. Loved it. NPC that matter help make bad games with bad players still fun, it adds sort of a buffer window for people to get their act together. Without them, the game always degenerates into a zerg.
EDIT: modifying art resources, duno - the terrane could certainly be better quality
They buffed in BFA and it was great
Huh? Towards the end of BFA pugs were killing bosses with 2 towers up just due to the crazy gear/power creep. Even when players were less geared, killing the end boss with 1 tower still up was not that difficult.
Other than buffing the bosses each season (to account for constantly rising gear/power of players), not much can be done about players zerging. Casuals want to win fast, so they zerg.
Are you rewriting history again, Warzug? The generals +1 was very, very rare in Battle for Azeroth until corruption was introduced (and even then +2 was only just possible if you had enough players with fully maxed out gear and corruption).
With full corruptions and such during the last patch, you would occasionally see a 2 tower boss kill. And 1 tower boss kills were not that uncommon even before the corruption patch.
With some minor coordination, and having at least 2 tanks, you could pull off a 1-tower boss kill even with pugs. I was present during quite a number of such wins, it was more common than you think.
For someone who mostly “specific”-queues AV, I’m surprised you would claim +1 tower kills are “very rare”. Must be the time of day that you play? Most of the pugs I played with were at least familiar with the strat.
+1 tower boss kills are happening all the time right now on live, and Shadowlands is only 3 months old.
Don’t use current AV as a distraction. I was not talking about Shadowlands AV. The version we have currently is terrible. It’s why I am trying hard to get it changed.
The rest of your post agrees with what I said. 2 towers was possible if you had enough players with full corruption and strong gear. I don’t think Blizzard anticipated the impact of corruptions on any mode of content.
I also did not claim general+1 games “are very rare” - I said they were very rare. Which is true. When Epics were first introduced and they included creature scaling, the NPCs were very powerful and games would go on for 30m+. That didn’t change until the tail end of patch 8.2, when people had their m15 broken pieces introduced that patch (like the motorbike trinket).
There were a few occasions where the scaling fell behind and there was a small increase in +1 games, but they were fairly quick to respond to this feedback.
- We’re modifying the scaling in the zone to make creatures more difficult for players at high item-levels. Our goal here is to make gameplay feel more similar to the difficulty of Alterac Valley in early Tides of Vengeance.
April 2019. Patch 8.2 was released 2 months later.

towards the end of BFA
they buffed it twice, if they didn’t get around to doing it a third time and power creep corruption took over AV like it did everything else, well then complain to blizzard, not me
Anyways, this conversation makes my point that AV is a good epic BG and has potential to be great!
Thus, don’t we all agree a 2021 refresh of trees and structures is necessary?

Thus, don’t we all agree a 2021 refresh of trees and structures is necessary?
i would rather see the current version remain intact, its too well liked as is and a refresh would upset someone. i know personally the new maps don’t allow for as exact and devastating zombie placement as the old maps. i would rather see a refresh that is the same map but a different take, say AV with a steaming jungle theme instead of winter.
or, cooler still, if they are going to remake the map, make it have weather and be seasonal: snowing in winter, and green forest in summer. queuing up to slaughter a gnome and see the fall colors could be a thing.