No. Just no. Maybe in the 2 games youve been in in a month but no. Not once has this ever happened in any AV game ive been in for the last 2 weeks. Alliance push, sometimes they push and make it south and sometimes they dont. Depends on how many honor soakers and afks and people in greens and blues both sides have.
im sure ive been in more games than you have even with your instant queues. are you a child screaming for blizzard to fix the boo boos you have? I’m not even arguing that the map is unfair, IT IS. BOTH SIDES HAVE THEIR UNFAIR PARTS. But alliance give up WAY more often than horde do.
You would think that. One side dominating and you think the “quality of game is drastically better”.
Weird flex but ok
For every “unfair advantage” alliance has, horde has not only a way around it but also 10 more advantages over alliance
But I’m done laughing at your absolute ignorance for tonight
How anyone can play this battleground as much as you claim to and not understand that whether or not ally wins depends only on how many people horde have on D astounds me
Thought I’m not surprised
Rofl. You must be a troll. You have to be. Or youre just too dumb for me to try and get to use logic. Either way goodbye.
Last one for me.
Your queue times are a direct result of flocking to the popular ez pvp faction.
I win 80% of my pug games in AB/WSG. I just want a higher then 1% winrate in AV pugging. Even if it was 30% i’d be fine with it but that won’t happen until rep farmers stop queueing. Blizzard could also use the version of the map with the cave placed further back or the version of the map with land mines.
Seriously, what the hell were they thinking?
Most people who want to PVP rolled Horde, sounds like a player made problem.
i think you picked up another 5min queue there, you leet pvper.
Snacks? What will be your crying moment when Horde starts winning AB/WSG more?
Will it be the map imbalance? Or will it be the horde start area?
They wont.
Also if you ever did RBG’s on live you knew the horde starting position was the better one for AB. You can set up the bs/lm/farm triangle a lot easier. However even with that you wont see anything worse then 45/55.
The imbalance we see there would be similar to if horde got to SFGY 2sec before alliance
Not ideal, but at least we’re not starting a GY soft-cap behind
For AB to be as bad as AV horde would have to not only cap BS before ally got there, but about 10sec before.
I’m honestly more amazed by the day at horde denying the obvious all the while crying about something that could have the possibility of being fixed if there was player consensus on the issue.
So you don’t advocate for a fair map, instead blame Blizzard and your inability to recognize a clear population imbalance and chose to continue playing horde, and all the meanwhile Alliance queues are almost instant.
Sounds like a you problem my guy. Enjoy the queues.
Cheetah? What is amazing is your bitterness and lack of understanding. And you do your entire catalog of complaining on the Classic boards behind a 99 Blood Elf Demon Hunter.
If Blizzard does indeed, favor the Horde, why in the hell are you playing as one? And why do you even bother playing the game period?
Win rate in WSG has actually been slightly Alliance favored since launch. AB is roughly 50/50. WSG win rates have been stable and aren’t likely to change much. AB could change, but it won’t drastically favor one side because guess what? The maps are mirrored meaning the only factor determining wins is skill which, and I know this will come as a shock to you, is roughly equal on both factions.
The ONLY reason Horde dominates AV is the map (Alliance having full 40 participation wouldn’t change this very much). If it was skill, they would be dominating ALL BGs, and they’re not.
I play AB and AV mostly as a pug. Minus the premades in AB, my win/lost factor is improving when we go against another pug team. About a 60 percent win rate.
In the level 30-39 bracket, its almost a dead even 50/50 ratio. WSG is about 55/45 Horde.
As far as AV goes, 98 percent win rate for me there.
The problem with Alliance AV is you all just have no idea how to counter Horde.
Its not the map. Its not the cave location. Its your AFKers and lack of wanting to try.
Look at Retail AV. Horde have been losing that battleground for years. It has nothing to do with the map. Its the Horde player base as a whole. They have refuse to do D. Just zerg. Oh and complain… much like the Alliance playerbase is doing right now in regards to AV.
It is the map. And honestly, you DO realize you’re only arguing with like 5 of us on the forums, while the rest of the Alliance have already moved on to other things? Only a handful of us are insane enough to continuing arguing this point with you guys. You can scream into the void all you want that it’s not the map. Alliance know it’s the map, and the vast majority of people who are far smarter than I am simply refuse to engage with your denial and have stopped queueing.
Enjoy your queue times.
There’s a limited amount of pvp players at any given time.
The pool of available players is now split 3-ways instead of 2.
AV has been out long enough that anyone and everyone that wants to get max rep has already done so. And there is absolutely zero reason to play AV once you’ve maxed out your rep. AB is the new hotness and hardly anyone wants to wait 2+ hours for a game. Even if AV gives better honor per game, the wait time makes it inefficient.
So, there you have it.
The amount of salty alliance here is hilarious.
“hAhA iM sO eDgY eNjOy YoUr QuEuEs LOL”
And WHY are their AFKers and defeatists? This is not the chicken and the egg. Map and graveyard imbalance are factual and that led to the AFKers and the defeatists. It’s causality. And I dislike it and disagree with it because Alliance CAN if we put in our best effort, but it’s simply not worth it to try for most.