AV queues - i have to say it

this would require a substantial map rebalancing which will never happen. Im sorry for the players that genuinely love playing AV but its the reality

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It’s definitely part of the reason. Another part was when blizz stopped your premades from opening up so many extra games.
Yea. Your premades opened so many games that it lowered hordes queue. Took away the extra games and the queue went up.

Oh look, another moron that actually thinks the ‘Alliance’ second accounts that were parroting Horde at the time were representative of anything but the destructive desires of their Horde mains.

There may be some Alliance that honestly would prefer 0% win rates, but they were few. What we did have was 90% of the top threads all filled with Horde babies that couldn’t stand ever losing a BG.

The reality is, everything the Alliance players that saw the danger of doing what Blizz did for the Horde said would happen, happened. Queues went up like crazy, Alliance left the BG. Premades moved entirely to WSG/AB while pugs never would, resulting in basically endless premades for Horde to face.

Lo an behold- that’s exactly what horde are now complaining about constantly, though I’m sure if Blizz makes a ‘fix’ that drives your AB/WSG queues due to Horde crying you’ll have to make something else up to explain that too.

Meanwhile, all the things horde said; ‘PvE realm Alliance would balance out queues’ ‘make these AV changes Blizz and Alliance pug participation will go up and queues will go down’ ‘these changes will make the game better for everyone’ have all been clearly proven completely wrong beyond any doubt.

But by all means, keep pretending there’s no problem, it’s going so well for the Horde.


“My” doing. Yeah, all i’ve ever cared about in this game was being able to play it. When you say something like “this is YOUR doing” it’s like the WoW equivalent of blaming an entire race or ethnicity for the problems of another’s. Like…grow up.

That’s weird. I thought horde didn’t mind.

‘I use this time to farm mats!’

I love that one; pretending that it’s actually a good thing to have atrocious queue times.


Your lazy argument is so tired. And if this is the only thing you think is going on here then yes, please do enjoy your queue times and ignore the hundreds of posts providing in excruciating detail everything that is wrong with AV.


In reality alliance maximized their ranking system by organizing AV discord servers which didn’t exist in vanilla (ventrillo lol). This caused the paladin bubble exploit and pug stomps for horde queuers. It also caused alliance puggers to get smashed for not participating in the discord system. Alliance min/maxers in a new 2020/2019 gaming climate are what ruined AV by taking advantage of their fast queue times. All blizzard did was remove that ability now all I see is map imbalance, racial advantage.and more AFK alliance. Now that alliance can’t pug stomp AV they moved to WSG/AB where they can pug stomp horde.

Reroll or deal with it. When i queue AV I do world PvP farming or gold farming in between pops. That’s how I deal with it. Figure out your cope.


I mean, you can’t honestly be arguing that one faction being able to premade and the other not being able to premade was fair, can you?

Oooh right out the gate with the personal attacks. Yup a sure sign the truth burned you up.
Let’s see what else ya got.

Oh so when it fits your narrative they’re all sock puppets for the other side. Uh huh. Tell me more because it wasn’t Horde opening extra games or abusing the afk tool.

I don’t think you even know what this word means.

I was right. Yoy don’t know what that word means.

Well whatever reality you’re living in isn’t the same reality as the one we are currently in because in this reality blizz broke premades because they were opening up extra games, ruining games as handicapped auto losses, and abused the afk tool to the point blizz had to disable it.
None of that had anything to do with Horde but everything to do with alliance premades selfishness.

Well ofc. Less games being opened by your premades. We’ve already established the abused the system so bad it actually lowered horde queues.
Did you have something new to add or just repeat information to make you think you have something here?

Ofc they did. At this point Horde was already breaking premades with pvp. You guys were afkin out of any game longer than 10 mins.
Once you guys couldn’t get 7 min games you staryed going yo WSG. Then blizz completely broke your premades and the rest of the rankers followed. Queues went up.
Again. Nothing new here.

Oh? Only Horde is complaining about premades in WSG/AV? I’ve seen avatars from both sides and retail.
So now I’m positive you don’t know what the word honesty means.

Oh yea. You’re just making shtuff up now. Absolutely positive you don’t know what honesty means.

Theres no problem. AV dies and is only used on AV weekends. So be it.
I mean you do realize this whole thing has a soft shelf life? Plus TBC coming? Yea. Good luck thinking reasonable queues will be sustainable indefinitely.
Yea that’s right in 3 years it may be an 8 hour queue for WSG. So what. Play or don’t.

Only one’s lazy around here are people trying to avoid the pvp in favor of a pve race.
Oh and those asking for changes because they don’t want to put in the effort. Guess they fall under the same umbrella. Lack of effort.

Not worried about queue times. I pvp for the pvp.

Looks more like they gloss over what’s really wrong. Lack of effort and lack of engaging the pvp.

I believe the issue is mostly that currently the alliance have a 99% change to lose any AV they’ll ever queue for so they don’t do it anymore. That and horde going out of their way to make them get the least amount of rep and honor makes it so they won’t even queue to try.


Horde and Alliance can both make premades, if anything since Horde have more populated pvp servers and more, from their own boasting, serious pvpers- Horde should have far more premades.

But sure, keep saying AV is balanced, I’m sure that’ll convince people to come back to it. Enjoy the four hour queues- and realize that this is what we mean, Horde don’t want balance you just want to exploit numbers, exploit map imbalance- get free wins and when you can’t, you flee like Horde did on Incendius, or cry til Blizz saves you like with AV.

Sure, that’s the reason your queues went from 10 min first week to four hours now, cuz premades were opening extra games.

That’s why we were getting up to 500 active matches at a time before the changes, and now get what, 5 per coast?

That 98% drop in participation must just have been all those extra opened BGs, you cracked the case.

And there you have it OP- the same thing Horde said about Stalagg, Skeram, now AV- it’s just not a big deal when an entire part of the game dies for thousands of players.

Ultimately, people like this guy didn’t want solutions then, and they clearly still don’t want it.


A lot of horde think that having your Lts survive gives you bonus honor, which I believe is incorrect but honestly I don’t exactly know every source of honor in AV.

I’m not certain either.

Exactly, which is why you get squads of horde protecting the Lts. Also tbh, losing towers 100% costs you honor so we’re going to kill allies int he south to prevent them from capping towers regardless. While I think the fact that the horde cave is further forward than the alliance cave is a problem, it is the only meaningful advantage horde have. While its a significant one, it should not result in me winning literally 60 AVs in a row, so I think if you are being honest you have to admit that there are other issues with how the alliance play.

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Wasn’t us exploiting the queue system and ruining it for our own factions solo players.

Wasn’t us exploit the afk tool until it was disabled.

Never said this. I have said alliance won with this map back in the day and they can again. If they put in the effort.

Oh man you are really bad at this. I didn’t say it was 1 thing that caused it. The premades opening extra games did lower horde queues. So did the initial rush of rep grinders on both sides.
Take away both? They both contributed to queue length.
Please keep up.

How many of them were handicap auto losses started and abandoned by your premades? Judging by the cries of your faction mates to fix it. I’d say a good percentage.

No more extra opened bgs, less rep farmers in queue,(because they finished the grind,) and the premade rankers moving to WSG all increases the queue.
I never said it was only one thing. There you go making your own reality again.

Well here. Take the rest of the quote so you have some context. Instead of being dishonest to fit your narrative.

Like I said. There’s a shelf life. The queue goes up the further into classic we go.
Edit to add. No problem. As in alliance won this map as is. Figure out how to do it again.
No problem. As in queues are going to keep increasing the longer classic is live.
No problem as in play or don’t but don’t whine about how it was. Adjust. Adapt. Overcome.

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That’s just your imagination and your bizarre ‘I hate pve’ers’ in my space thing that you keep bringing up everywhere you go.

And yet, here you are in a topic about a BG that you deem isn’t PVP?

Again, lazy argument. Nothing has been ‘glossed over’ in these exhaustive threads providing details about the problems with AV that even many horde players agree with.

But keep being lazy with your replies.


I never said AV was balanced. I just implied how alliance are severely dependant on premades for success in pvp. If anything in this version of wow alliance have the advantage if they had a full 40 man group working for a common goal. But reality is alliance queues are faster so losing isn’t that much of a hit on time spent compared to horde.

As a proud and established member of Stallag Horde, I’d like to thank you and the other members of your faction for conceding and fleeing our server during the free and paid server transfers. It really helped us out as far as farming open world materials. It sucked to see you guys go but at the same time we wish you the best in finding a more advantaged server to suit your needs. Maybe heartseeker?

In truth, I have no idea what’s causing such a disparity and I’m not one to lay the blame on things I can’t prove are the issue. I feel that until the source of the win ratio imbalance is found and fixed, there won’t be many alliance members queuing up for AV unfortunately.