AV Queue times are horrendous for Horde

If only someone had told you this was going to happen. :smirk:


Yea, they really aren’t that long.

Oh yeah, eliminating cross-realm BGs so your queue time is 50 minutes instead of 20, is surely the solution to your long queues.



blame bad wsg design low honor and premades vs pugs.

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yea, i got exalted in 2.5 days, zug zug… i roleplayed to get it, will be even better when i get my high pvp epics competing with my BB roleplayer friends, and then use said epics to whoop feralina hordies… rank 0->4 first week, 5->8second week…

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If they did eliminate cross realm, most servers would have low queue times each side. Just the few big servers would have high queue times. But, I still see the benefit of cross realm. Horde on those few servers would have Oce queues if not.

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lol no.

You really gotta think about this a bit.

Grob Horde queue times would be lower than Alliance. Heartseeker Alliance queues would be through the roof, as would hordes on Skeram/Stalagg/etc…

Time to make that alliance alt.

They have a better que time in retail and obviously a better que time on classic. No cross realm BGs would make horde ques worse for 90% of the servers.

This will never change. For the alliance!

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You should have rolled ally like we did from the get go to enjoy all these deeply satisfying whiny horde posts


More like 25%. Would improve some horde queues too. Still don’t want it though.

I was exalted by the 2nd day, I’m pushing for bracket 1

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this makes me so happy. it warms my heart to hear.


Or you can re-roll.

Any fool knew horde would have long queues before classic even went live.


My server’s factions are balanced.

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“Or you can re-roll.”

This is how you kill the game. No one wants to put 4 months into a character, then re-roll. Don’t be absurd. You’d feel different if you were on Horde.

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herod is about 45/55 in favor of horde but still… it wouldn’t be this 20m queue I have…

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Why would I?

You knew horde would have long queue times because of the amount of pvp servers compared to the amount of pve servers. Pvp servers are statistically horde dominated, 15 years of data to go on, you know…

This isnt a new game where you roll the dice and see how populations end up. You knew horde would be dominate due to their racials…yet you chose that anyway.

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It would destroy many PvP servers if they eliminated cross realm queuing . Think about what you are asking .

No they aren’t. There’s something like 30% more Horde on Incendius than Alliance.