AV Queue times are horrendous for Horde

I’ve run into my fair share of alliance morons who spam /rofl when killing someone 5v1. I try my best not to associate with those chimps though. It’s not faction specific. More likely it’s a combination of stereotyping based on the fact that there are more horde players overall and confirmation bias.

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That was literally me, even as Horde. I don’t feel bad for any Alliance who left the game completely after we said BGs would fix it for all. I bet some Horde even left. And no, I’m not complaining about queue times at all.

I stated multiple times that it’s not faction specific. But I just stated that it seems to be more horde than alliance that do participate in these activities.

Well I think it’s safe to assume that there’s a correlation between horde racials and people who prefer to PvP. That alone would explain why you might see more horde camping flight paths and that sort of thing. Although with battlegrounds I’d say that behavior is much less common.

I see just as many Alliance camping FP’s, if not more.

At the end of the day you really can’t even blame the ones who camped during phase 2. It’s unfortunate that borderline griefing was the best way to get honor, but that’s simply because of the flawed vanilla PvP system. Spamming /spit or go to retail is another story however…

Hey, I saw it all. But, I also knew BGs would fix it. So I’d tell Alliance who posted here to re-roll pve, go retail or wait it out till BGs happened. All very good suggestions for the 2 weeks until BGs came out.

It always amused me how many allies I would see complain about skeram/stalagg and then do the exact same thing they complained about on heartseeker. The moral of the story is that it’s easier to play the victim.

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OMG you get it.

Psst, pretty much no one on the Alliance says that and most laugh when someone does. It’s a silly thing Blizzard added in Retail not long ago to mimic the Horde.


Man horde ain’t too bright

A lot of us Horde would have better queue times tbh.

I mean that’s how it should’ve been. Server queues for a while then battle groups.

Let the dominant faction on each server suffer their toll instead of getting somewhat saved by a global queue

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Agreed. I always thought cross realm was good though for the balancing of premades and healers and such. It’s not often I think of myself.

I remember when we were pushing for this, it had a lot of support- sadly it also had a lot of Horde ‘reroll or quit’ spam derailing it.

What Horde want us to forget is that it was almost entirely Alliance that were pushing for solutions during phase 1 and 2 that would fix the problems of those phases AND the future problems of phase 3- and it was almost entirely Horde that were pushing against it.

Starting with same server and then going xrealm with Naxx (ie- the timeline Vanilla did) would have been my preference, and considering most of Vanilla was same server, and it would be a great deterrent for stacking a server I think it would have been one of the best solutions. However, much like everything else- suggestions for it were met with the ‘reroll or quit’ spam that became the Horde’s new battle cry.

The current honour system also makes more sense same server- if they’re going to do xrealm, might as well make ranking xrealm too.

Regardless- it’s too little too late to finally be getting some support for this after the damage has been done to Alliance population, and isn’t reversable. At this point on pvp servers, too many are gone and not coming back, and those left are quite rightfully not keen on working together with the other faction on anything.


Isn’t there voice chat built into the game that horde can use? I realize no one uses it… but it IS there.

Being butt hurt because people want to communicate using voice chat because they care about winning and doing well IN PVP sounds very hypocritical.

Isn’t it the horde that constantly say the alliance can’t pvp? That is why the queues are long? But then when the alliance interested in pvp actually group up to pvp together you get to be made about the big bad “premade” groups?

Do you realize the nonsense trash coming out of your mouths?

The fact is, when horde encounter pvp that isn’t killing someone reading quest text at a flightpoint 10 levels lower, or roving around in a gank and slam raid with 20 other horde… the horde suck at pvp.

We have taken are broken @ss pugs with afk botters and fishermen and TURTLING YOU. We actually do quite well with the bottom 10 odd players botting 0 kills 0 deaths.

I don’t care about quick games, long games or whatever personally… I care about ruining your crybabies day in a BALANCED 40v40 pvp match.

The last game I was in, it took you 30 minutes just to kill Balinda… yeah, your going to get FORCED into hour long games just to raise your queue time. The alliance are sick of it. and we know you turtle just to make some players leave the match… so yep! Our turn to turtle Balinda.

We can /afk and grab another game as soon as the deserter buff is done, what are you going to do?


Oh lets be real here… /spit emote /laugh /go to retail is not just what a few knuckleheads would do… entire horde guilds required you have that stuff macroed.

2019 horde are IRL toxic people with waaaaaayyyyy to much time on their hands. I have the ability to play quite a bit, and never once have I thought “gee you know what would be fun? ganking level 48’s in Tanaris for 16 hours!”

Yep, these people have nothing better to do than log into an MMO all day long, just to ruin someone else’s play experience, and then laugh about it.

Get gud zug zug

WOW just gives the horde an excuse to be total sociopaths.

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Back in 2005 we did. Suppose we are all little kids back then though. We should be chanting “For the Alliance que times!” now.

Maybe on your server, cultures differ quite a bit between them. But most did not.

What an absurd, grug brain thing to say. Blame my faction? Are you dense? How am I even remotely culpable for the decisions other people make with regards to faction selection on my server, much less everyone in my region? What an obnoxious reply.

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