AV Queue times are horrendous for Horde

I’m saying, blame your faction. You guys wanted to make everyone elses lives miserable by corpse camping them to no end, then mocked them by saying “lol, reroll and/or git gud noob.” And now your faction is complaining about long queue times.

If you personally did not do these sorts of actions, the I apologize for the inconvenience that other have caused you. But the fact of the matter is, the toxic behavior of others have led to this.


Are you high? This is literally exactly what every horde on the forums was telling us to do a month ago when we were being camped for an hour on the way to blackrock mountain.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the absurdity of the statement, but it’s not like we haven’t heard it too.

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Let’s be real here. Even if there were no forums, these queue times would have existed because Alliance just don’t queue BGs.

As some of us Horde were being camped. Also, you’re from Heartseeker, so what is this “we?”

I was originally from skeram. I transferred to heartseeker last minute for a break from that bull**** until I could find a 50/50 server to transfer to when paid transfers were released. I’ve seen both sides of the coin and it’s garbage regardless. I’ll actually be joining <Encore> on your server in a couple weeks.

Uh huh okay:

And my plans have changed? Do I need to link the discord conversation between me and hurled or maybe you can just take my word for it that I preferred an rppvp server over rp?

Regardless, you were on an Alliance dominated server for P2. You have no room to talk about “us” and “we”

That is true, but it still took 45 mins to an hour to get through BRM even in phase 1. I can’t even imagine how much worse it got.

Let’s be real here. Do you think all great players and/or serious PvPers have always rolled horde?

No, eventually they came to horde. Why? Racials, peer pressure, and/or blizzard taking the horde’s side throughout the last 15 years.

There were plenty of good guilds/players on alliance back in vanilla-wrath. But since then almost all have gone horde. Why?

Maybe because blizzard has had all of their executives come out and say “herp derp, I like horde, the alliance sux!”

Or maybe it’s because racials are overpowered on horde and give them an advantage (which has been a reason given by most serious players over the years) and yet blizzard did nothing to fix it.

Either way, alliance is not all wimps who hate confrontation, nor is all horde all macho men who love to show their combat prowess.

In the end, toxic behavior has led to this (whether it was the players, blizzard, or a mix of both) that led one side to pretty much dominate the other to such an extent.

Kind of my point. Even on an alliance dominated server, it took a while. P2 was hell for anyone solo in P2, whether Horde or Alliance, unless on those handful of servers.

Like I said, imbalance sucks on both sides. Being the majority in 80:20 is no fun either, but it beats the game being near unplayable

Yea, and I never said otherwise. That is the forums starting that lie.

And no amount of forum posting would change anything for BGs.

Glad you agree. This forum makes it sound like only Alliance are victims.

I said toxic behavior. Camping flight paths is toxic behavior… corpse camping is toxic behavior, /spit when killing someone or yelling “Go to retail” is toxic behavior.

Granted none of these are horde specific, but I’m willing to bet more horde than alliance do these things.

They are exacerbated by people on the forums saying stupid stuff like “lol, reroll noob” or “git gud” but that doesn’t stop the initial complaints which is, your faction is being toxic overall (again, not saying you’re the only ones).

No offense, but if anyone quits over that, good riddance. PvP isn’t pretty, a lot of us said BGs would fix it, so come back when P2 ended.

You’re complaining about queue times. I’m telling you why queue times are the way they are (again, which are not “lol, alliance are noobs”).

I’m just saying theres a good bit of people out there who maybe don’t mind PvP and/or the occasional gank but would still like to level and/or have a chance at fighting back who eventually just left due to frustration.

You have no one to blame but yourselves for the now imbalance in faction queues.

Instead of having somewhat equal BG queues, you have one side getting instant queues while the other waits for an eternity. Instead of having epic 40 v 40 level 60 battles in Hillsbrad, you have to raid the opposite capital for “engaging PvP.”

You can justify your behavior/your factions behavior all you want. You can make fun of me all you want. No big deal, but what you fail to realize is theres a lot of people who aren’t carebears, but also aren’t hardcore PvPer’s either that you “if it’s red it’s dead” PvP types chased off the servers which led to your frustrations now.

I mostly heard it from your faction (horde) to “get used to it.” Okay, so take your own advice, and in regards to lopsided queue times “get used to it.”

I’ve run into my fair share of alliance morons who spam /rofl when killing someone 5v1. I try my best not to associate with those chimps though. It’s not faction specific. More likely it’s a combination of stereotyping based on the fact that there are more horde players overall and confirmation bias.

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That was literally me, even as Horde. I don’t feel bad for any Alliance who left the game completely after we said BGs would fix it for all. I bet some Horde even left. And no, I’m not complaining about queue times at all.

I stated multiple times that it’s not faction specific. But I just stated that it seems to be more horde than alliance that do participate in these activities.

Well I think it’s safe to assume that there’s a correlation between horde racials and people who prefer to PvP. That alone would explain why you might see more horde camping flight paths and that sort of thing. Although with battlegrounds I’d say that behavior is much less common.