AV on alliance is hard

I (we?) have been trying this all week, it works maybe 1/10.

You end up kind of getting sandwiched at ibgy, with cave ressers pouring out of tp and sf ressers from ibt.

Maybe we need to play like the horde and just take everything while backcapping and constantly slow pushing. I honestly don’t know at this point.

It is just so hard to win.

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This is a double-edged sword. With both SF and IBGY the horde can double up their rezzes, depending on where they die. If alliance have both then alliance gets that benefit.

So, yes, it can lower the resistance at IBGY in some cases but usually it hurts you more than it helps you.

I suppose that depends. If horde are attacking IBGY on the IBT side and die, do they rez at SFGY or the cave?

There’s two main ways of playing it:

  • Rush the Relief Hut with tons of people, soft cap it, camp the recall spot, rez anyone who dies there until it hard caps.
  • Slow grind your way down by first taking and holding two GY and then pushing from there. Best is usually SF and SH but you can do it with IB and one other — but that can be very difficult because of the cave rez defends IBGY.

I believe that when they are up near IBT they rez at SF. When they die near or south of the IBGY flag they rez at the cave. I’m not sure of the exact line though. Most GY rezzes are straight, as-the-crow-flies measurements, whatever is closest regardless of actual travel time.

This is bad. This strat does not work.

i’m just posting to rile people up.

How do you get that to work though ? I’ve seen games where we tried this and it hasn’t worked at all. Slow mounts will make it to roughly SHGY before the Horde attacking SHGY arrive. 100% mounts can make it to SHB or around there. This splits the group in half. 60% mounts end up defending/cut off and then the 100% mounts are picked off during the travel south. I’ve only ever seen 10-15 at most make it to the RH and they’re never able to hold it.

I’m not saying it can’t work, I’m just curious what is done differently where it does work.

It can work once in a blue moon, it’s worth trying maybe one out of every half dozen games or so. But you really need to have people on board for it and you have to be prepared to give up the strategy if certain things happen.

You need to have all slow mounts stop at SHGY and do a full turtle while all fast mounts rush. The fast mounts have to stay close and if they are slowed through fear bombs, traps, and frost novas then everyone has to stop, deal with the slow attempt, and then mount and go as a death ball.

If you see that horde are communicating and massing to defend then you cut the rush short and just take the nearest GY, soft cap it, and hold until it hard caps.

It can panic the other team into overreacting and allowing some more northern GY captures, even if you don’t manage to take and hold the RH. However, it does need people to be disciplined and coordinated. If people branch off to take other objectives then the rush gets split up and blunted easily. The same happens if the other team reacts quickly and puts up a full-scale slowing effort.

That’s why I’d only try it occasionally, if the other team predicts it then it’s probably not going to work. If you only get 10 people to the RH then you’re going to have a terrible time holding it.

Another way to play it is have the slow mounts simply go over the bridge, give up both SH and SP, and use the bridge choke. The problem is you’re giving the horde team a huge head start, one that your team may not be able to recover from. This is an extremely risky strat, one that I would not ever recommend.

Regardless of what strategy you’re using this is DEFINITELY the key.

It’s just so hard to keep 40 pugs together and focused on the same goal.

Meanwhile horde seem to have it ingrained, siege sh win eventually.

Probably because Horde are at SH at roughly the same time as the Alliance. No thought process needed. Horde don’t need to defend anything while they are zerging SHGY, Alliance do and that’s a huge difference.

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Not to mention a free GY that spawns 20 at a time right next to it


I won 5/6 games on my geared alliance hunter this AV weekend. I just sat behind shgy and destroyed hordes attempt at any kind of push.

It seems like all the horde “rankers” are the ones who are geared and usually busy back capping, leaving some brain dead and undergeared alts to push on offense and get clapped. So fun delaying games for hour+ until alliance win.

So yeah my winning strat is to be a full bis ranged dps and just turtle. :smiley:

Oh great this guy again. Yes im sure these matches were won only because of you. Other 39 people didn’t matter at all.


To be honest, having 2-3 really well geared hunters does make a very big difference in defense. Not nearly as useful for pushing as something like a couple of geared warriors or mages that know how to properly do the blink in (or jumping dismount) ->AE->nova->AE->AE->Ice Block->blink out maneuver.

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Last game had 10 people afking at shgy :(.

I had to leave


At first I was digging the alliance queue times but now I just seem to get dumped in late games just before vann dies :frowning:

Alliance’s number 1 mistake is never taking SF GY. I don’t know who started the myth that SF GY is bad but that person has singlehandedly won thousands of AV’s for the Horde.


Ouch that’s rough even for Alliance.

If you wish to keep your sanity hit exalted for the offhand and never return(except for AV weekend)

Taking SFGY first works at times and at other times it’s inconsistent, and if you lose SHGY in the process then yeah… good luck.

There is no 1 single strategy that can make Alliance consistently win in AV and any strategy fails without the right amount of coordination.

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