AV on alliance is hard

Man, been doing AV on my ally this weekend. It’s hard af to win.

Between the map, the afks, and the attitudes it’s just so much more difficult to win on alliance than horde.

Won two games this holiday weekend out of at least 30. It’s rough!


Played maybe 20 games this weekend. There were very few afks and the attitude was generally very good unless the game was a clear hopeless loss. Still only won one game total. At least I saw warmasters multiple times which is nice I guess.

Very annoying to consistently stomp horde in teamfights and still lose because of getting held up at IBGY.


Well yes, at the start of the game everyone seems keen to try then one thing goes wrong or not how someone envisioned it and suddenly 5 people are fighting in bg chat for the next 30 mins.

Lost plenty of games that could have been a win if people just stayed focused :frowning:

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Horde can just zug their way through and still win with no conscious strategy or effort.

if alliance miss one key push or mess something up it usually means they’ll fall too far behind to catch up. AV on Alliance is probably as toxic as classic gets.


Also has anyone noticed that alliance seems to have significantly fewer clothies/casters than horde? I literally had like 4 games that had a total of 0 priests. Horde always seems to have multiple healing priests and an absurd number of undead mages.

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This seems to be the general idea however, I had quite a few games this weekend where we wiped at Ibgy, no towers or bunkers had been destroyed, sh was alliance controlled and people still rather give up than regroup and push again.

I dont know considering im not ever logged in long enough to even get into AV on horde so it doesn’t sound so bad to this filthy casual.

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Alliance is filled with gnome mages. Gnome and UD mages are the most cliche thing next to Orc and Human warriors.

It tends to feel like everyone on the opposing team is a mage or caster when you’re playing a melee class in AV and get countered by everything though.

Once you wipe at IBGY the first time, getting it back is just too much of a burden for most pugs. Most of the time SHGY will already be gone and if it isn’t then Alliance will be choked at multiple points unless they completely brute force their way through. This requires alliance pugs to be playing at a much much higher capacity than Horde players but that’s a lot to expect out of pugs.

IBGY is somewhat of a death trap in general because it requires defending on 3 opposite sides as Alliance and is probably the most difficult GY to take in AV in general. That’s where the part about Horde having massive map advantages begins to sink in.

The one AV game I won this weekend, Alliance managed to hold IBGY, because the horde didn’t go back for them and just wanted to zugzug to the end.

It’s eye opening about the difference in AV when playing alliance vs horde. I came in here and said the same things.

Thankfully this time around I got a win on my new alliance with 3 games. When you do win as ally it’s actually a lot more fun IMO.

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Well yeah. It’s like getting a new bis peace in an established strong guild, vs winning a roll in a pug raid. You expect the first, but not the 2nd, so it’s a pleasant surprise, as opposed to just ho-hum I was next to get that anyway feeling.

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It is definitely “hard” mode, it only gets harder between AV holiday weekends.

Normally the Horde defends all it’s assets, it’s rare to see one ride past a contested tower or GY. They engage wing commanders, even if it is just to slow them down. When you soft cap something, someone is coming and it will usually be someone who is geared well.

I am starting to see more low rank and/or sub 60s on Horde side but not as much as Alliance. On the flip side, I am seeing much less afkers/leechers than I have seen in the past on Alliance side

It’s hard because most people don’t bother following the rules. If your team is dedicated to accomplishing the BG goals, you win every time unless you get outplayed.

Report afkers


I don’t keep track of the score. Just the KBs

I don’t think this is true in the slightest. Horde just have such an easier time.

Push db, backcap everything, and never let anyone passed the field of strife.

Alliance have to strategize and play damn near perfectly to win.

I think that alone epitomizes that the mode is much more difficult on alliance side


Horde and alliance players are all the same people behind the keyboard at the end of the day. Some games might have slightly better players on a specific side but nothing can make up the difference in the map.


I went from nothing to exalted with zero wins.

And people ask me why I don’t roll alts.

I mean, quite literally, I have never once in classic seen Alliance win AV.

Edit: Also don’t call your alliance character “ally.”

That’s a dead giveaway that you’re a horde main. Only Horde calls us that.

The alliance do not call each other “ally” or “allies.”

That’s Horde words.

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I find that this is the only time you can win AV during the AV weekend, for my region at least (OCE). People just don’t care and would rather do an AB or WSG, but when it’s AV weekend, alliance’s chances of winning go up by quite a bit.

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I might try it.

I wish I could play Horde, but, while Sylvanas exists as a character, I can’t.