Av no more queue exploit, 1 day after exploi are back blizzard useless patch

hello everyone

i just go in av and both team have balance rank on both side also both faction have the same amount of player on both side , also the history alliance have advantage in av , let hope blizzard get a bit of respect and ban these player

but have to say , is so sad looking alliance to be so hopeless and weak in av , horde just control everything in the map and wait 30 min for the game end and also summon ice lord , and alliance look defenceless , at least on horde side he are not exploiting anything this is just a legit win and domination , now alliance are wipe from the open world , also from av , AND now hide inside the smaller bg in the game , before extermination , i`m sad for them they can not win a legit battle . FOR THE HORDE !!!

1 day after the blizzard patch alliance find the way to cheap the system, alliance player laugh of blizzard ,


In before alliance try to whitewash the historical alliance AV advantage


All the serious alliance pvp players are in wsg. You’re farming afk, xp grinders, rep grinding alts and fishers with casuals mixed in.

Also, why do horde wins take sooooo long? Weren’t alliance speed running av in 6 min vs your 30? Don’t settle for mediocrity!


Google Episode #63 – The Making Of World Of Warcraft With Vanilla Dev, John Staats and skip to the part at 3:24:50
In that interview a former Vanilla WoW developer admits that everyone at Blizzard was for the Horde.

This is your answer on why AV map is favored for Horde. The Alliance was designed to lose because the developers love Horde. The only outlier was Metzen who played Paladins but the overwhelming majority of the main Blizzard dev teams were all totally for the Horde.

The history of WoW is basically a giant homage to their love of the Horde and the Horde is who Blizzard has marketed and promoted as the faction they want people to play


Alliance advantage? Guess you weren’t around in TBC where they nerfed the horde side of the map.


Op did your cat help you type that?


The only thing that needs to be washed is OP’s butchering of the English language. I guess it makes perfect sense if you are a zug zug though.


What que exploit? You mean using the numbers to form a premade? Nah, that intended functionality even in old Vanilla. Its ok to be confused though, given how misused the term “exploit” is around here.

Blizzard didnt remove an exploit, they just changed a game feature because one faction complained enough. In vanilla premades were not only intended but kind of standard for AV.



Can i have my 10secs back… the sad part I actually understand what he was trying to say

Hey, this is what it was like in Vanilla! LOL!

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This is apparent everywhere not just to AV but the open world as well. The horde have legit NPCs that protect their flight paths and transportation hubs with nothing on Alliance side.

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to answer you , why 30 min because horde have 1 hour queue so he take all honor possible of the game , is about 5940k honor bonus + 30 min game give extra honor also ice lord , +farming your meat :slight_smile: . your 6 min win are not legit is only a exploit , that why is fix .


thanks for keeping posting this… we need to keep going because it seems they havent waken up

Everyone tosses around the word exploit. If its not a bannable offense is it really an exploit?


No. The one where you forced and abandoned multiple games to get your premade in. Leaving solo alliance players games that started at a severe handicap. You know.
The ones alliance players complained about because they had next to no chance of winning.
I know you and the rest are just going to continue to ignore that and blame Horde but hey what did I expect from players who leave their own faction out to dry.


Oh yeah, because obviously Blizzard meant for AV premades to be happening, that’s why the ‘Join as Group’ button wasn’t greyed out! If only everyone could be as smart as this retail Demon Hunter!

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What exploit? It was just a bunch of people queuing together from discord. No addon No exploit of mechanics.

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Popping games and abandoning them to be a severely handicapped ally loss ring a bell? That’s definitely exploitation.


to answer you .your right im not around in TBC , im a day 1 vanilla release player :slight_smile:

the time alliance are 70% population vs 30% horde btw back in this era he never cry for real transfer :slight_smile: