AV is quick and boring

So you are complaining over player made issues.

First world probls.

No one is surprised. We knew it was coming. We fought tooth and nail against it. Its the trash version. So we should CONTINUE to fight against it. We have already had multiple positive changes by be vocal. This is the next fight that we WILL win.


Maybe, and i’m hoping you succeed too! Looooong AV fights were a blast


Back capping what? If they are not bothering to cap them now, what are you going to “back cap”?


It’s great news.

Giving me the best entertainment while at work, reading the forums. It is beautiful.

Thank you Blizzard for the best AV you could have added.


No hun it’s over. We lost. Blizzard is not going to invest time and money into reverting this one thing to pre-1.12. The people who never wanted Classic WoW to happen got their revenge. It’s over. I am proud to have fought the good fight with you Juri. You and everyone who didn’t lose hope 'til the implementation. Better luck in life Juri. I’m out.


Don’t hun me. As stated - several things have been changed for the better already.

Can I haz ur stuffs?

All these people talking like it would be different if we had a different version of AV. Players know what the optimal strategy is and are going to do that. We could have Ver 1.0 of AV and people would still be doing this.


All these people talking like it would be different if we had a different version of AV. Players know what the optimal strategy is and are going to do that. We could have Ver 1.0 of AV and people would still be doing this.


Turns out its a player problem after all. It was the same thing on private servers hosting 1.5 AV.


You could just screw around and have fun in beta. In live everyone is trying to maximize honor and rep gains so they can get those rewards quicker.

Yeah you’re right I didn’t realize the NPCs were so drastically underpowered.

Go play WSG and quit crying.

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We knew this was happening, and here it is. It’s AV 1.12.0

We have the boring version of AV where the mobs are weaker and moved away from the main roads.

It’s just a matter of zerging the end boss. The two factions don’t even need to interact. It’s possible to win without landing a single HK.


You never know. They already set a precedent by buffing the guards in certain cities.

You’d think after all the “Surely THIS will slow down the PvE Raiders!!” threads ended in bad predictions and worse grumblings about the state of Molten Core, Onyxia, etc, that people would have learned that a PvE Objective-based BG would also get steamrolled in a way that Vanilla never had because of the same optimization and hunger for speed and efficiency…

ALAS people are just now waking up to the idea that if Warriors and Mages can do insane DPS against Rag, they can also do it against Drek.


Seeya on the battlefield!


You’re absolutely right but people are going to be too busy being outraged to think rationally about it. :man_shrugging:


Did they buff any instances? No.
Doubt they will buff bgs. Hope they dont.

Yay! Vanilla AVs!


Here’s another vote for AV being disappointing. I really enjoyed the old version of AV, with goals and objectives. This is to much like retail.