AV Cave Rez situation

Were you a mage Horde side too? I was in a couple games with one guy and we both kept spamming it and finally got them to play it. It was fun that one game. We still ended up losing, but we at least had a game.

Back in the day everyone rolled Alliance. Now this time around, everyone has rolled Horde.

I wish I could play Horde, but I need AV in my life on demand.

Lol the Horde strat that wins 99% of games? Ok

That strat is literally the beginnings of when Horde started to actually be able to stop some of the premades. We were never going to be able to stop the best ones. That strat gave us a fighting chance and was far more fun than anything we have now. Cuz don’t get me wrong, I don’t enjoy what you refer to as scorched earth either. I want good games.

Oh you’re talking about that as a horde strat, yeah that’s the easy mode win strat for horde. Of course doing that is what caused the current issues.

/say I need 6-10 Brave Horde Souls to fight the Alliance, then recall and help me Defend the Relief Hut, and Drek!

/say I will be riding straight into the Alliance Cavalry to slow the Enemy advance, and then Recalling to Frostwolf Keep. Any help on Defense is appreciated, For the Horde!

The old Horde macros for context. Memories. I run a similar strat on Alliance side that I’m not willing to disclose at this time :slight_smile:

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Either way they left due to the map imbalance so…

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My Alliance strat is actually much more complex with a lot more moving parts, all of which are totally needed at this time.

That above strat pretty much did it for good. That’s because the Alliance insisted on staying mounted and dying.

They left before anyone had any inkling there was a map imbalance. They specifically said, “if we can’t do premades, we will go to WSG to do premades” and that is exactly what they did. No one knew there was a map imbalance at the time. Literally no one. Try again.

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Ya the map imbalance was very obvious from the start, alliance premades with geared balanced comps on coms only getting 50-70% winrates vs pugs when they have 99% winrates in AB/WSG is pretty strong evidence the map is broken.


Find me a post in January before the premades were killed that says anything about Horde map advantage. I will wait.

Much like the map, I don’t think these people’s opinions will ever change.

I actually like the challenge. I have been playing this game for so long. Anytime it goes hard mode I’m all in.

We’ve known about the map imbalance for years. The rate they left at is directly related to the rate horde started playing scorched earth.


Mmmmkay. They were all in there the day before the changes went in. They all left the day the changes went in. But “scorched earth” was the reason they left. Right. Get outta here with that trash. That’s revisionist history that you have applied to a situation to justify your argument. Straight up, they left. They didn’t “stick around to try it out.” They didn’t “know Horde were going to play scorched earth.” They didn’t “know there a map advantage.” None of that. They knew that their best HPH came from fast premade wins in WSG. They said so in the forums. They hollered to high heaven telling Blizzard they would leave and Horde queue times would double. Both of those things happened. You know what they didn’t say? “We know we will lose 60-70% of games based on a map advantage that hasn’t produced anything like that in the few months AV has been going and we are out.” Not once. Not one freaking post. So please, either go find the post from before the premades left that proves me wrong, or shut up.

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You’re doing good work, can’t let it get to you.

Reality is, yes alliance can win with a better comp or better players if they play the right strat and horde either don’t defend well or you brute force overrun horde defense.

But that means the map is the actual problem here and we need it fixed.

It’s just tough to play with the current meta; also why I favor getting the respawn issue fixed so you don’t have to deal with this.


It will and probably still no post from the incompetent blues

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There were plenty of serious alliance in AV after premades were broken. I know that doesn’t fit with your weird idea that the only decent alliance pvpers will only premade and never pug.

The numbers of good players the Alliance had integrated into AV once the rankers left was not proportionate to the number of good players horde still had once the Alliance rankers left. It is literally that simple. Math. That’s hard.
The map advantage should be fixed, but your points about this particular aspect are wrong.


Scorched earth is 100% the main reason decent players won’t q AV. horde are so butt hurt about premades they will hunt down any player attempting to kill lts to make the game even the least bit worthwhile honor wise

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