AV Cave Rez situation

I don’t think I would be calling anyone a liar if I were in your shoes. You change stories more than literally anyone in this thread and are the biggest liar in here. You make Bodicca seem like an honest representation of an AV player Alliance side.

Well, I guess I should preface that since up until Alliance started winning, Bodicca rolling in there with a 59 alt and being a free HK for something like 3k games is a pretty accurate representation of Alliance in AV at the time.

Ultimately, it is frustrating because there are players who make a good case for the cave being moved. I still think it should be the rez of last resort even with the recent developments in AV. Unfortunately we get these two jokers to be the face of that argument and all they do is weaken it. Substantially.


Except I haven’t changed my story.

I also haven’t done something like stated a very specific game and number of afkers in it, challenged people to join said game and then been turned out for being one of the worst players in the game.

The problem is people like you who admit the cave needs to be moved then try to argue about nit picky details that are irrelevant to the cave being moved.

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I was not criticizing the strat. I was criticizing his childish trolly gloating.

Ah yes, the zyriusesque misrepresentation of what is actually written.

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I doubt that many folks believe you play classic AV, much less have the magical ability to jump into a BG and observe as quick as you claimed to. I personally doubt you even play classic at this point, having stopped at your L51.

And why should we believe someone who has stopped at level 25? Seems I’ve played classic more than you.

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Last I checked, leveling in classic does not increase your retail character levels. Maybe I missed som sooper secrit way to do that.

PS: scroll up, unless you think the other Brokenwind Warrior L60 is someone else posing as me.

Yeah you have. You have argued out of both sides of your mouth regarding a variety of things. The cave being moved in TBC without context and the “we do fine in WSG/AB” argument…also without context. The hilarious thing about the second one is that you dump that argument when it is convenient and then argue that “the good players left because of the map so of course we lose.” You are so full of it that I don’t trust anything you say.

No. I have been very consistent and my views have been altered as the discussion has moved forward PRECISELY because OTHER players were on here to discuss it with me. If I only had you and Bodicca to go on, I wouldn’t agree with the cave being a problem at all. You two clowns add nothing to the discussion at all. I am just thankful that other players were also involved so I can have an informed view from the Alliance side and have that view inform my opinion on this subject. There are a number of players I don’t agree with on this thread, but they have generally made good points even when I don’t agree with their points. You two clowns don’t even do that. You just cry map without context or with rose colored glasses on regarding how players approached the map.

I could handle it if you were actually honest when assessing how players on both sides approach the map. I could handle it if you were honest when making your arguments about TBC (others have made this point very well). But you aren’t. You make inflammatory troll statements and then back them with…more inflammatory troll statements. You are literally the third least useful poster in this thread right behind Bodicca and that clueless Scottxx player.

So let’s get real about what is happening shall we? Horde players were increasingly queuing up with more and more subpar players / lowbie alts / fishing alts / etc. There were also fewer of them. Alliance finally organized in a discord. Lord knows why this took so long, but I am quite happy they did. Alliance started winning games. A lot. Horde queues dropped to 3-5 mins. AV weekend rolls around and Drek or Kek happens. Now we are in a race meta most of the time with some games being more pvp oriented than others depending on whether the Horde in the game are willing to pvp. That’s where we stand. None of that says thing one about the map. None of it. It says something very powerful about queue times (my argument for a very long time) and player makeup (my other argument for a very long time). Once queue times are low enough, Horde will race. Lo and behold, that’s what happened. My main points turned out to be true and your SINGLE point (it is the map) turned out to be a mirage.

But hey, there was no reason for me to argue those points right? We should all just go on with an uninformed discussion regarding what is going on in AV right? We shouldn’t try to get an accurate picture of how the map is being played at any given time right? Get outta here.


Except I haven’t changed my story on either of those…

The cave was both moved back and made the last rez spot in TBC because guess what it was too powerful where it was and not as the last rez location. Hey kind of just like the issue we have in classic.

Same with WSG/AB, I have never changed my story on that. That alliance can do just fine against horde in those BG’s when the teams are relatively equal clearly demonstrates the map issues with AV. Given relatively equal teams and horde choosing to play scorched earth we see exactly what we saw in classic, even win rates in WSG/AB but massive win rates for horde only in AV.


The hilarious thing is that when I post the mirror image of that garbage from 2007, you fall all over yourself to dispute it as players changing.

Already refuted this above. For a good explanation on why the cave was moved, you can reference several of my posts on the matter above. If you want the abridged, no context version that is inaccurate and makes a comparison between two game states that are more dissimilar than they are similar, read no further. Clown car Ziryus has your back.

Mmmmhmm…The number of times you have argued that the player pool is the same belies this trash statement. Again. If you want further edification on why this is an inaccurate statement, feel free to search and read one of my exhaustive posts explaining why this clown argument is wrong.

Carry on Ziryus. You bring nothing to the table here.

Yeah, except this is the part where your trash context is a lie. The teams in AV were rarely equal. Shoot they still aren’t, but the number of talented players queuing flipped. The fact that you have to make up some “well if they were equal” trash statement rather than acknowledging that they weren’t equal from the very day the premade killing changes were introduced speaks volumes about your duplicity on the subject.

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I don’t know why you guys continue to waste your time on that troll. Going back to his Wall of No days where he ridiculed and mocked anyone who wanted Vanilla servers he’s been proven incorrect at every step. But especially in the context of AV where he has been wrong about literally every assertion about how the bg would play out in Classic. But continues to find new excuses to explain why his earlier arguments turned out to be false. As I said I find it hysterical, but…you’re wasting time on a troll. I just hope you realize that.

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It has been realized. It is just irritating lol.

Yes it is irritating when people who have acknowledged the cave rez is an issue still try to come up with weird reasons why it’s not…

What’s really weird is when someone tries to force words down your throat as if you said them… care to give citations?

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There is nothing that zyrius will not wholeheartedly misrepresent.



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Neither statement that blizzard fixed the cave situation or that alliance do just fine in WSG/AB misrepresent anything.

You just don’t like them being brought up because they shatter your narrative that the map is fine and alliance only lost because horde tried harder.

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ysdes… .,…,

The AB map and soft timer preventing turtling (paladin +defensive racials vs shman and horde offensive racials) favors horde considerably with farm/BS/LM triangle – but like you said alliance seem to do PERFECTLY fine there too.

WSG, blessing of freedom and some oddities in the fence and healing hut facing in towards the alliance GY rather than the horde healing hut facing out ever so slightly favor alliance, yet Horde do fine there too.

It would appear the determining factor despite some map irregularities is the players.

Alliance well geared played started to coordiante and requeue in AV and are smashing the horde afk phase 6 rankers and alts farming AV rep.

HMMMMMMMM gee wiz I wonder why the alliance are winning now? Its as if no longer having an >hour long queue and fighting against AFKs really turned in favor alliance winning.

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Nah, not irritating. Worth a chuckle. If you can’t laugh at trolls, then what fun are they?