I start every game will full PvP consumes, gems, 400 water and 200 food.
At the start I yell:
“Buff Up!”
“Open Trade for Water!”
I then buff and dole out as much water as I can. I ask for leader from whoever has raid lead. Most times I get it, but sometimes they will just be a jerk, or they are afk.
I spam the following 3 times at gate opening.
“I need 12-15 Brave Alliance to Hold SH GY, and Play Defense the Entire Fight! Everyone else, Hug RIGHT, Ride and Fight to IB GY! Stick Together, EVERYONE DISMOUNT and FIGHT when the Horde ENGAGES! IGNORE SnowFall Graveyard at the Start!”
“I will start out on Defense and shift to Offense as Needed. Don’t get Defensive Tunnel Vision! Always look for an Opportunity to Push Offense! Get Kills, Communicate, and Recall if Needed!”
I race ahead of everyone to the fork in the road. I then /say:
“Left or Right, choose wisely!”
…in an effort to get everyone in the right place. I try to do a head count to ensure 12 are on Defense. I do a /rw if Defense is low.
Sometimes ppl follow, sometimes ppl don’t. I call out either:
“More People Go Right for Offense!”
“More People Go Left for Defense!”
I then say a few times:
“Everyone. Dismount. Fight. Kill.”
From here it’s a crapshoot. Most of the time offense wipes, or goes SF. Sometimes they make it to IB GY while we still hold SH. If we lose SH, we can still regroup and take it back because Horde will go for IB GY back cap, but it’s rare.
If IB GY fails, I call for a push to SF. From this point on I go back and forth until SF or IB GY falls. If SF is taken, I call for 10 to stay SF and SH and float between the two until SF caps. If we get IB GY, I tell 10-15 to hold SH.
I don’t play offense unless the ramps to SH are cleared of Horde. There are some details and further contingencies I’m missing here and there, but that’s basically it.
I think I’m done calling strats and trying to get wins. The alliance either don’t do anything, flame, or are just so bad at pvp that no strats even matter. If a push for IB GY opens up, everyone will follow the pack and leave SH totally undefended.