AV Cave Rez situation

If the data from a while back holds, then overall population of both factions across all server types are almost even.

If one faction has few players actually queueing for BGs, leading to relatively instant queues as a result
If most alliance heavily-leaning servers are PVE servers
If there was evidence of alliance on faction balanced if not alliance leaning PVP servers complaining about P2 just as loudly as imbalanced realm players

Can we not surmise that overall, those who do not like PVP, or want to avoid PVP, or are not good at PVP for lack of actual desire to play such a way, overwhelmingly choose alliance as their faction?

So those who claim that alliance are the same type of players as those who choose horde, should probably explain the above facts.

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Not the way it works.

Who even thinks of this ridiculous stuff??


You mean to tell me the min/max community chose to roll the faction with the most overpowered PvP racials to PvP with??

Wow this is mind blowing news.


Oh here we go… Arena hero is now going to blame it all on racials.
Weren’t you the one who just earlier was claiming that

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I’m talking skill, not population.

So you’re saying players don’t min/max??

News to me.

Do you deny that overall population of both factions across all server types is (was, according to last data) almost even, and that all players regardless of server type are in the same BG queue?

How can you both state “you’re saying players don’t min/max??”, while just having stated “we are the same player base, you aren’t any different from any alliance player”?
Which is it? Is one faction more motivated to PVP or not?

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Saying we are the same player base Is saying because you went horde doesn’t mean you’re better at the game.

You didn’t go horde and become a 2400 rated player. You would be the same skill as if you were alliance is all it means, not sure why you’re trying to twist the meaning.

I never said anything about population, I’d wager with min/max obviously more players went horde for PvP, how does that not make sense??

Do you see many undead warriors??? No, ofc you don’t, warriors can be orcs. Same min/max logic.

People play what will give them an edge. SHOCKER!


If racials carry such weight, why are the other 2 BGs that you lot are so happy to point to, not horde dominated?

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Because it doesn’t fit his narrative.

I’ve stopped talking to him since the last few posts he directed towards me were 90% nonsense and 10% insult or just 100% insult.

1st win since AV weekend

lots of close games

def. games where the map is the deciding factor x10

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Yep, and we understand the map isn’t perfectly balanced, but those that want to blame the entire 99% loss rate on it are just delusional. The map is a factor, but it’s not the major contributor to that loss rate, just one of them.

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You’re gonna really sit here and say horde racials aren’t better in PvP rofl.

The level of denial is so strong.

People try to get an edge, you can’t dispute this. That’s why there’s more human warriors.

That’s why there’s more orcs.

Arguing with you causes me to lose brain cells. It’s like you just argue to argue.

Sure no one min/maxes, I’m clearly wrong.

Once again same player base, no one is saying because they went horde they are good. Why can’t you grasp that?? They know horde has better PvP racials so they roll that race because they think it matters in the long run, PvP racials mean very little if you’re bad, I’m sure you and red figured that out.

I’m sure come TBC there won’t be anyone rerolling to BE. Sure there will be just as many alliance.


Your really gonna sit here and blame everything on a slight PVP edge overall?

Why are horde not dominating the other 2 BGs? You and your ilk are more than happy to point to them and the win rates of them when we are discussing AV. If horde racials are so OP, why are horde not dominating in mirrored map BGs?

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It’s clearly because alliance are just better at PvP so the slight edge horde racials have means nothing in mirror maps…/s

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Mark my words: if blizzard ever makes their desired changed in classic AV, they will immediately blame their loss rate on racials.

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Because horde racials arent nearly as impactful as an imbalanced map?

Drink isnt saying racials are the reason why we lose. It’s that horde objectively speaking has better pvp racial, which nobody denies.

It can be overcome with outside factors, but with all else being equal, its better. Not whats so hard to grasp.

Also if horde had to play on the alliance side, this map wouldve already been changed die to sheer horde outcry


according to the alliance in this thread, they can never win cuz the map makes it impossible

any attempt to prove otherwise is trolling

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You are missing my point. Earlier I wrote this:

Shrinkydink responded:

And then went on to pretend that the playerbase in alliance and the playerbase in horde are the same. Note the words he used:
“Most Overpowered”. Am I to read that as anything other than “impactful”?

AGAIN I will ask, using Shrinkidink’s own words:
IF horde racials are “most overpowered”, why are we not seeing horde dominate the other 2 BGs, which have mirrored maps?

Conveniently for you, we’ll never get to test that. However many of us know full well that while the rez at cave and rez at SF/AS may attribute to a horde leaning win rate (while historically with the same map, racials, etc, alliance dominated), the main thing that contributes to it currently being an alleged 99% loss rate for alliance, is purely a PLAYER ISSUE, due to a list of reasons, not the least being a large portion of the alliance queueing having no desire to actually try, having short queues, no accountability, and a pro-tier excuse making defeatist cheerleader squad who shout down even ALLIANCE PLAYERS who see success and have motivation, not to mention members that report those who disagree as “real life threats”.

edit: Oh look, the captain of the squad is typing.

Not really, the issue is that with relatively even teams horde have a strat that gives them 95%+ win rates.

Claims that the map is pefectly balanced or that alliance should just have to be vastly better to even have a chance of winning are trolling.


The strat is not giving horde that rate, YOU are by allowing it.
The “strat” is simply “playing the game as intended to be played”.

Nobody is claiming that.

No, not vastly better, just equally motivated and willing to play the BG as designed.

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