AV Cave Rez situation

Oh yeah that’s right, you claimed that 1.12 would not be a race scenario. But wait…

In before “bUt yOu dO nOt uNdErStAnD SuBsEtS!”

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Sure and they’ll do that when it’s a once in awhile thing. When every game comes down to alliance trapped north of SHGY alliance will give up on it. And as always turtling DB is not a winning strat and if you have no objectives south as alliance you’ve still been scorched earth regardless of whether it took 10 minutes from when SHGY fell or 45 minutes.

You clearly don’t. Since I described a base race that is not zerg. Or is that distinction too subtle for someone who can only zug zug and pretend it’s skill while the map hands them victories?

Once in a while things are 1 out of 3 games now. Interesting.

If alliance were only getting stuck north of SHGY 1 out of 3 games in classic this wouldn’t be a discussion.

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Yes, we would be discussing all the ways that Alliance have map advantages that allow them to have a 70% win rate. You know, kinda like how that same discussion went 15 years ago when Alliance had a 70% win rate in my battle group.

Not really, stuck north of SHGY 1 / 3 of the time means that horde are winning a minimum of 33.3% of the games. Even assuming a bad win rate on the rest of the games horde would easily be at a 40% win rate over all.

Funny how you try to spin 1 out of 3 into a 60/40 rate rather than the 66.7 / 33.3 actual number. Note that that 6.7% makes the map a whole lot closer to a 70/30 win rate than a 60/40 win rate. Get outta here with this disingenuous parsing of 1/3 of all games.

Hmm… horde should win pretty much every game when they have alliance trapped north of SHGY. That gives them a minimum of a 33.3% win rate. Are you claiming they couldn’t even win a mere 10% or so of the other 2/3 of the games to get to 40% win rate?

Horde didn’t win every game with Alliance trapped north of SHGY. That’s what makes this entire argument about the bridge being worthless so comical. Even if Horde win 90% of those games, that’s still 10% of games where Horde didn’t win after pushing Alliance to the bridge which makes the overall loss rate for Horde at the time very close to 70%. In my battle group where Alliance believed they would win, they would fight tooth and nail at that bridge. Perhaps your battle group was more enlightened like the Alliance play today and they just roll over and died.


Sure horde don’t win every game they have alliance trapped north. So let’s make that just an even 30 percent. Are you saying horde couldn’t win a mere ~15% of the other 2/3 of the games to get to a 40% win rate?

I am telling you how it was. We lost 70% of games Horde side in my battle group. It had a ton to do with short queues. There was no reason to fight through the long game. Alliance also had a habit of rounding us up and butchering us in the cave. Sounds familiar right?

Your 30% win rate sure doesn’t sound like what alliance are experiencing in classic so no.

Min/max culture changes the equation significantly.


Sure, but the fact that if as you are claiming you were still getting a 30% win rate despite short queues and all the player issues alliance are being accused of now there’s something else going on besides just alliance player issues.

He literally stated what the difference is:

Yeah, the players that wanted to pvp were more evenly split between Alliance and Horde 15 years ago. That split is decidedly Horde heavy in Classic. Additionally, min/max culture pushes players to maximize the value of their time. In this case, it exacerbates a tendency to give up at the earliest sign of trouble.


Play one 2 hour 10 minute AV that takes a piece of your soul to get the win - get 4.5-6k honor.

Play AB for 2 hours and 10 minutes on its holiday - get 12-14k honor if not more depending on how many you win.

Play AB for 2 hours and 10 minutes any other time - get 9 -11k honor if not more.

Its the map guys. Everyone pvp’s for fun. No one cares about honor, just winning.


Sure but if that was the only thing going on we’d see the same issues in WSG/AB and we don’t. So it’s not just a player issue with alliance.

And since you’ve acknowledged the map has issues that should be fixed why are you even arguing against that now?