AV Cave Rez situation

I only have one account you doofus.

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Do you know how I also know it’s a player issue?

The fact that a Horde Pug can camp the Alliance Cave.

In any conceivable scenario, the alliance should be able to break past a Horde cave camping situation. They spawn right there 20 at a time, and they have battleguards obviously.

If they alliance cant win a straight fight with that advantage, then it’s a strictly player issue.

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I’ve now changed my stance. Judging my the people in this thread, alliance clearly have the stupider players.



Do you know how I also know it’s a player issue?

The fact that a Horde Pug can camp the Alliance Cave.

In any conceivable scenario, the alliance should be able to break past a Horde cave camping situation. They spawn right there 20 at a time, and they have battleguards obviously.

If they alliance cant win a straight fight with that advantage, then it’s a strictly player issue.

Exactly. And Stormpike is closer to the ally cave than the horde cave is to Iceblood. And the horde rez further from Stormpike than alliance rez from Iceblood.

If the players on both factions were equally motivated and skilled, horde would never take stormpike. But the best alliance players care about honor per hour over winning, because they can just hop into a new game while horde has at best a 1 hour queue during av weekend and a 2 hour queue on non av weekend. And when you are ranking, you are doing wsg/ab while waiting, so realistically it takes horde rankers 7 or more hours in the queue to actually get in a game. You don’t wait that long to get in a game and treat it the same as someone who gets in instantly

Do you know why they made changes to honor when killing players in the starting cave? Because Alliance pre-mades were camping the Horde cave. It’s not hard to have 25 people spamming constant AOE.

And since it was Horde being camped they called it “griefing” ffs. Unbelievable.



Any cave camping by Horde, which I’ve never once even experienced, would only occur at the very end of games and only would be “camping” the folks that have resigned themselves to a loss and just aren’t leaving and waiting for Vann to finally die.


The alliance premades were much better players in comparison to the horde pugs (which is obviously why they premade in the first place). Thats why they were able to cave camp horde …because of the skill discrepancy

Similar situation of what we have right now but reverse. The average horde AV player is better than the average alliance player

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How is it the situation we have now? Right now we have pugs vs pugs.

A majority of Blizz devs play horde. They like the advantage. Dont expect it to change until they’re bored of AV

How is it the situation we have now? Right now we have pugs vs pugs.

Because the discrepancy in ally premades vs horde pugs is similar to the discrepancy in horde pugs vs ally pugs.

This also reminds me of how a ton of alliance boycotted av when premades were banned. Another reason the best alliance players don’t join av.

A horde pug wants to win and believes they can win. So they try harder.

An alliance pug believes they are going to lose no matter what they do. The try hards have all moved on to premades in AB and WSG. Those who remain in AV are the defeated and weakest of alliance.

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Except it’s not is it.

Yes it is. And jetfuel just mentioned part of why. The alliance tryhards join ab/wsg and not av. The horde tryhards still join av.

Most alliance who join av are there, because they need rep for av rewards. Which means that even not counting skill, they are going to on average be less geared than their horde counterparts.

But I’m sure I’ll be bashed for suggesting something else obvious, so whatever

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So basically the skilled alliance are the ones competent enough to realize the issues with AV and not bother with it? Weird… how that works out.

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Yep, in addition to the long queues. Horde aren’t waiting for hours only to give up if alliance takes IB, and go kill Bal while throwing the game. I’ve had AV pop after several hours due to queuing for ab/wsg while in the av queue. I’m not pissing away a 7 hour queue and going for consolation rep and honor.

And if you think alliance aren’t also going for the max honor/rep they can you are sadly mistaken.

Wow, are you changing your tune and agreeing with me that the alliance players who join are less competent, after giving me grief for saying the same thing?



They only go there for max rep, not honor. If they wanted max honor, they’d be in WSG or something

Max honor/rank for alliance is fast losses with killing galv/LTs for as much bonus honor as possible. Something I already explained earlier, and another reason why alliance don’t try as hard to win.

I think a lightbulb is appearing over your head, but you are just ignoring it