AV Cave Rez situation

My post history marked it as a reply to me and it shows my image on it. Weird lol.

Are you kidding? Alliance have tried everything. We’ve tried rushing IBGY, rushing SFGY, wait until horde arrive at SHGY and wipe them then rush IBGY or SFGY, try to send the main force all the way down to FWGY or RH, fight horde in FoS and then push to IBGY, sit at SHGY and farm for riders/druids and push with those. The game is about graveyards and to a lesser extent towers/bunkers and there’s only so many of those.


Please cite where I did so. I have repeatedly and at length expressed that 1.7 was the high water mark of AV content, and is the patch that I would have loved to have gotten. I have NEVER asked for pre 1.5.
AV was getting buffs and fixes all the way up to and including 1.7.

Edit: meant to post this in this thread:

One of my all time favorites:

I think this one is a good place to stop:

And no mention of stealth squads, distraction based soft caps, exc.

This isn’t a tough issue to solve. No horde cave rez until they lose FWGY and alliance who die at SFGY get sent to SHGY instead of DB. No alliance cave rez until we lose DB. boom done AV is now much closer to a fair fight and people might actually q for it.


Also Zyrius:

i have spent over a decade winning av as alliance to believe all of u losers claiming u can’t win it.

u all just suck

Should be the the Relief Hut, not FWGY.

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Back when the horde tried to rush, yes we could win those. Now that they turtle 100% it’s a much different situation. Learn the game.

turtling at sh gy isn’t a path to victory lol

Wonder why we do this meta?

Could it have been the eight months prior to this where we still couldn’t win no matter our strat?

if u can’t beat them in pvp, you are going to lose no matter what u try to do

Right and since alliance do in fact do just fine on the other two maps we know it’s not that alliance just suck.

my point exactly. stop thinking u can’t win because of bs map problems

Exactly we know we can’t win in AV because of very real map problems.

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Not that easy to keep IBGY when they Rez 20 at a time 20 seconds away and you Rez AT BEST 50 seconds away 10 at a time.

They can literally reinforce IBGY 3X faster and with more players than we can, which is why you don’t see games go to IBGY because you can’t hold it against those odds.

wow just wow

have you never seen the alliance take and hold ibgy? and then take fwgy?

and then win?

In an matchup of equal comps, that only happens if horde plays braindead zug zug offense with 30+ at SH GY and doesn’t defend IB GY with 15-20 early enough in the 5 minute counter to get 2-3 respawns from the cave.

Absolutely no way alliance should be able to hold IB GY against an equivalent horde team playing defense.

Not a viable strategy against a horde team that knows the map.

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Ahh, we have another troll, folks! Ignore away.

someone who thinks i have to lose av must be a troll