AV boss rush

IDK, hows losing most of your AV’s? BTW if you guys weren’t so bad you would win every single one rushing, horde can finish before 100% mounters can even get there

OH youre a retailer i get it now

No I just actually do AV so I know theres no imbalance other than the average horde player being worse at pve than the average alliance which is sad when i see how many warriors and rogues doing 300 dps on drek

It won’t stop until folks get their rep and honor farms done. 100% player driven activity that happens every fresh release.

It is what it is when players decide that’s how they want to play it.

When the honor cap increases next week, it wont be all 6 min games. And it will be even more honor focused and not rep in the coming. But for now it’s.

men of honor 冰精灵 onward to castle on mountain 基爾紮紮德 do not kill magic woman 危險地上的圓圈 fear icy ground 朋友是敵人 cross scary bridge 怪物不死族出現 fight fat angry man 智者應用鎖鏈

Not entirely true. I was on a pserver in 2017/18 where they had attempted the “more authentic” 1.7 version of AV. More (and stronger) faction npcs. Korrak would spawn at mid at certain time. Although I didnt play the real old AV, and what the private server did was likely speculative and/or based on memory.

The TLDR is: AV was designed to be a grindier “ongoing” BG. It was changed to be easier, and now people can speedrun it. Make it grindy again and increase rep/honor gained (even if you leave after a while) is my personal solution. But can you really trust blizzard to do that faithfully?


The pserver AV was a much slower and grindier match. Assaulting graveyards took more effort and tower archers hit like trucks. Land mines were in certain areas and chunked you FAST, forcing more choke points around the field of strife. It was a more immersive experience with clashes at mid but also outside of the typical chokes we see today. Players didnt have much of an impact alone and needed a team just to survive the PvE aspect.

What we see today may have their origins on other pservers, but they are a result of the “new” AV and player reputation optimization.

If honor is your goal, you would force a turtle and farm HKs for 15 minutes before finishing off drek/vann. If rep is your goal, rush and kill. If both teams are wiped, its usually better to /afk and wait 15 minutes for the next game. Games do not give you more rep or honor based on length. The curve of Honor from HKs dropoff when you kill the same person, so you get less honor over time spent. You may get more shared rep from turn ins and killing bal/galv per game, but its not worth the time spent if 6 minutes Nets you 150/500 rep.

Thus, we’re at the mercy of not doing AV for fun, but out of necessity of gear upgrades and honor goals.

What could be done about it? I think if you fixed everything about the boss rush meta (fix warmaster kiting for instance), you would fix nothing. Players will still optimize rep per hour and avoid the idealistic 40v40 battle by focusing towers and then rush. In fact, the first few AVs last week, people were using this strat. You usually only had to deal with 2 warmasters before pulling.

What should be focused on first is that steep dropoff of both honor/rep gained per hour, because even a failed boss game rush is excruciating for those left behind to pick up the pieces. Make every 15 or so minutes give a flat 500/150 increase in rep at the end of the game, likewise for honor. Maybe leaving after 30-45 minutes still grant you the same amount of honor/rep as a loss because people dont have time for a full 2 hour ordeal.

Maybe reduce the deminishing returns on honor per repeated HK, maybe not (to prevent more time spent graveyard farming). Towers/Bunkers, LT’s and commanders should give a bit more as well to be good incentives of doing objectives.

Ultimately, bringing back the old AV with tougher NPCs and force players to grind for team upgrades and other turn-ins would be my personal solution. Players could pick off NPCs at the field of strife solo (for turn ins) and risk getting picked off themselves, natural gank squads would form and hopefully a snowball forms. Towers would be another hotspot for early stage pvp. Once a turn-in objective is completed, or a few towers were destroyed, could you move in.

The main issue with this is the actual redesign aspect. Current blizzard wouldnt want to spend time even for a P2 version of Old AV. The npcs would have to be tweaked for later phases to keep up with the gear arms race. Which makes brand new 60s and lowbies increasingly useless. The most blizzard would do is some sort of scaling system, and that’s a cardinal sin in my book.

The original concept of the ongoing battleground is long dead. AV was designed for this and likely nerfed to save time on rebalancing. You only have to tweak 4 bosses and the warmasters/marshals now for each expansion. The other NPCs dont matter anymore.

To be fair “le modern gamer” can and will optimize the fun out of any game.

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“Le modern gamer” will also try to force you to play the game their way too.

i mean the nature of the game is social if not everyone is on board with the same strat you’re looking at a turtle. which no one wants

As long as i get my honor cap for the week as fast as possible thats all i care about. No time to waste on idiocy.

already exaulted here, i agree, lets end this so people cant get exaulted as fast as me :slight_smile:


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Hasn’t been too terrible so far for me. Last 10 games consisted of: 5 6.5 minute games, 3 20ish minute ones, and 2 50+ minute ones. Most recent one we summoned the ice lord

I declare the “drek or kek” era over… until people honor cap at rank 11