AV BG, why level 51-60?

Why is the AV BG the only BG that has level 51 to level 60?
A level 51 in many cases cannot even hurt a normal level 60, add in the Epic gear and the level 51 may as well be a level 10.
I have noticed almost no level 51’s to level 55’s seem to enter the AV BG and the reason is clear. Blizzard never really intended them to.
The poor design of the BG makes it so that up until level 57-59 a player will have limited if any influence on the battle.
A level 51 Priest’s shield may as well be paper when attacked by a level 60 with Epic gear or even PVP gear that they can earn but not wear (another stupid idea, if you make the rank then you should be able to gear up).
The AV BG’s should have a level 51-59 and then level 60. Maybe more level 51-59 would actually join the BG’s and more games would be better than the few games that we seem to get.
Cross-realm BG’s (a mistake in the first place) remove any and all camaraderie and server fellowship, it also removes a chain of command since you are being forced to group with people you don’t know, probably will never see again and who don’t know you or your capabilities.
In a nutshell, Level 51-59 players are chum in the AV BG against level 60’s in epic gear; a separate AV for levels 51-59 would probably draw in more level of those levels into the AV BG since being killed in one hit through armor, protective shield and spells is not fun for anyone other than a sadist (who should not be gaming but in a mental institution…).

But fr tho at 51 you can get them blue AV weapons like the wand and the Ice Barbed Spear, extremely op for sub-60

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Because its a large map with lots of objectives and can hold up to 80 players.

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A level 51 can still farm stuff for the NPCs. You can gather resources from the mine and tame wolves / kill rams for the riders (or tame rams / kill wolves if alliance).

The games go fast nowadays, but in longer, more even matches, those are extremely useful things for lower level characters to do.

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Did you play vanilla? There was only level 51-60 for AV.


so lower levels can begin grouping with max levels and building bonds and also seeing developed characters and gaining ideas on what to look forward to.

its a great experience seeing an epic battle unfold in front of you of max level toons when you’re still in the leveling process.

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This would be true if there were no cross-realm battlegrounds but since we do have cross-realm battlegrounds there is almost no bond forming since it is unlikely that you will ever see the other player again. I play in AV and I have not seen more than 3 people (Horde and Alliance) from my server on at one time.
There is no bonding, there is no camaraderie and lastly there is forming of watching a epic battle since more people are interested in turn-ins and rep than in winning the battle.

Why would having no cross-realm battlegrounds be different? Because then you know the people you are fighting with and you build a bond with them as they know they can trust you and you can trust them. In a Cross-realm PUG there is no trust and no validation that they will do what is needed to win.

let’s simplify: because that’s how it was in vanilla.

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Originally in Vanilla, there were no cross-realm battlegrounds and wands could be used on the run. But that is a different issue.
A good server back then had a lot of Tarren Mill/Southshore battle before AV, and many (like mine) continued after AV. AV was a place to gather with your fellow Alliance on your server to go against the same Horde you fought at TM/SS but without disrupting the leveling of lower level players.
What we have now is more akin to warping out of our world, into a new dimension where nobody knows anybody and then try to form a cohesive team to accomplish a goal with only 3 minutes to prepare… and that is if everyone immediately accepts the summons.

Originally with all of the content and NPCs in the BG, relative “lowbies” could contribute to the game without directly PVPing. Blizzard decided they knew best and instead of the original AV, gave us the most gutted and nerfed version of it, where the side elements mean little to nothing.

It was to mimic an open world zone. Which are not restricted to L60s.

Big shocker that it never made sense to you. :roll_eyes:

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Dunno, it never made any sense at all. Because Blizzard, I guess.

The reason the first thing I do when hitting 51 on an alt is queue up for AV. Amazing weapon, and 20k exp.

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Originally, there was no cross realm BG. This means a 50-59 AV would be hard to fill. They decided, for the sake of keeping queues, they’d just shove everyone into 1 bracket. The cross realm BGs that came later negated this concern though… so they could have now separated players into 2 brackets, 50-59, and 60 (same as WSG/AB). But they didn’t do it. It’s another case of “coulda woulda shoulda” with this game. It would have been a win/win because lower levels could enjoy AV without getting farmed by 60s, and 60s could enjoy matches not handicapped by useless scrubs. But they didn’t do it, and there’s no reason to expect it now. We’re not allowed any improvements due to “#nochanges”, even though they were more than happy to change things that didn’t help what so ever.

Well, it was originally an open world zone while it was in development. They decided to change it to an instanced one without many changes to the content. Then they revised it several times after it launched to remove a lot of the PVE content.

I can certainly heal at 51 (and I did) and on my 53 Warlock I spam fear and CoT on characters. I don’t miss as often as you think.

I get it though. At least with the amount of times I’ve seen Alliance win at AV (just once) I can totally understand if these players are the target of your frustrate. You’re not wrong in that being 60 they would be more beneficial.

You can fish at any level, son.

Alliance likely have more of a drain from afking L60s than active lower levels who at least contribute.

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