AV BG Numbers need to be removed

I was fearing this…this is why I rushed my Exalted. I think we’ll start seeing off-hours where AV is no longer sustainable in a few weeks when the pugs begin to boycott AV like Alliance did back in Cataclysm.

Why don’t you join a discord if you want to win. Alliance pugs lose whether it’s 5 vs 40 or 40 v 40

Sorry but #nochanges. If bliz does nerf AV discord groups that’s fine, we’ll all move to premade WSG and then horde will get no AVs

Already covered that way above.

Thats perfectly fine because both sides can run premades. Pugs will be able to pug - premades will be able to premade.

Remove the numbers from the bg window - they dont need to be there anymore.


Absolutely agree, there were no numbers on BG’s in classic.


that would stop the premades right there.

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Epic mount. That is the only requirement the one I am in has.

I’ve never seen this. Might be something the hardcore premade does.

I’d rather just see join as group added. I don’t pug AV for a reason, and that reason is that the average Alliance player will give up the moment they meet resistance. Alliance pugs are terrible. If we couldn’t premade AV we would likely all move on to WSG. If you can’t get in to an AV discord with their low standards, you certainly won’t be getting in to a WSG premade. And Alliance can easily premade dodge Warsong. So instead of getting farmed in AV, you would be getting farmed by Horde premades.

From my experience as a solo queue horde I see about a 70% premade rate in WSG where AV is about a 90% for the alliance. I spent 12 hours yesterday just PvPing and got 44k honor going up against nothing but premades. Now my fun is resorting to war stomping the zerg in AV as they ride by.

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Blizzard really needs to work at creating a Classic experience…and not simply refusing to make any changes. Classic can’t be experienced without changes, people play the game differently now.

Massive discord groups of thousands of people opening numerous empty AVs, in an attempt to form a premades, is not in the spirit of Classic.


And that would be the actual classic experience. Hour long AV queues were the norm in Vanilla. Nobody went on the honor grind using AV, like nobody, until the last couple months.

Because most normal people don’t want to listen to sweaty mouth breathers screaming at each other over discord for 18 hours a day.

Rolls horde knowing they will have long que times and cant premade. Still cries about long que times and not being able to premade

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Keep numbers, remake horde on alliance. Player solution, much faster.

Roles’ alliance knowing they will get roflstomped in P2 and cries until they release content ahead of schedule.


I agree, and hate all of it too.

I agree with op 100%, if pre-mades can not be stopped from abandoning their queues I think pre-mades should not be allowed period, this is ruining the solo Alliance player experience.


At least both sides can que wsg premades, WSG actually takes skill and involves PVP. WSG should be meta for earning rank 14.


Premades or pugs that organize themselves in discord? Huge difference


But then horde would be constantly complaining about pallys…