AV BG Numbers need to be removed

Alliance premades are ruining the Alterac Valley experience for the entire faction.
Serious consideration needs to be put in place to remove the Battleground number for Alterac Valley.

Here is the experience for your average alliance player when going into Alterac Valley.

  1. Yes, the que will be instant on this side. Player accepts que

  2. Stand at the gate idly with 11 other people wondering where everyone else is

  3. Match starts, and horde on average have a 20-25 person number advantage. Figure a pre made all abandoned there pop up to join

  4. Seeing as we have hardly anyone, we have no choice but to just wait for the rest of alliance to join up, delaying any effort we can take by 3-5 minutes.

  5. As the rest of the alliance players trickle in, 5-10 of them will afk right back out immediately once they see the situation, putting us even further back.

  6. Get destroyed.

When these pre mades abandon there pop up, this is shooting every single alliance player in the foot who joined. Yes, instant ques are a blessing and yes, there is a small percentage of players ruining it for everyone.

I will be the first to admit that yes, technically, as a member of the alliance I have the opportunity to try to join a pre made however
1.Alliance premades have requirements, run active ban lists, and I’ve only ran into one pre made that will make there information public so others can join. Its not like its being advertised in trade chat and bg chat every 5 seconds.
2. The alliance premades I have been part of have a tendency to spam report afk anyone who joined that is not part of there premade, to try to make room for the rest of there premade to join


100% agree


i lost faith in blizzard


It really would nuke their existing system from orbit, entirely eliminating the AV as a “Best way to play” method for the alliance…

Tho then you would see QQ’s about WSG pre-mades, but there are already a ton of them both sides…

No matter what you do there will never be an end to the QQ…

Hey that rhymed!

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Thank God alliance are starting to see the poison premades are to AV.

I’ll add to the scenario from the Horde side.

  1. Wait 30-60 minutes for a BG to pop
  2. Get an alliance premade and get stomped in 7-8 minutes
  3. Have a premade drop the queue because they didn’t get enough into the game, we start with 6-7 Alliance vs 40 horde. Alliance afk out and the game is cancelled…back to another 30-60 minute queue. Do you wonder why Horde plays defensive long games when we actually get a game that runs its course? WE just wanna play AV and that is the only real way we get to do anything other than sit in queues.

All Blizz has to do is add a 20-30 minute debuff like deserter if you drop a BG that pops that you don’t take.

That will instantly stop this issue.


lmao so dramatic

Edit: V This guy below me too hahaha V

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If you don’t take this issue seriously and make the change, you’re actually showing what a pathetic excuse for a company you really are, and how little respect you have for anyone playing Classic. Keeping those numbers there have absolutely NO benefit whatsoever except for exploiting…
Put your money where your mouth is and fix the exploits you apparently don’t endorse.

Edit: words.




Imagine thinking you’re impressing anyone with that dribble.


then what?

Then what, what?

Disabled for sure.

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I’ve imagined it. now where do we go?

The OP’s solution is 10X more effective because it kills the deliberation component of “Do we take this Q”

Where as your method of placing a deserter debuff actually makes things worse for the horde by removing even more players alliance side from the pool.

If you leave the BG numbers, they will continue to abuse the system regardless of a 30 min Drop penalty because 70% of the time they will get chain Q’s and every so often they will get a 30 min break just to come back and do it again.

You underestimate how effective the system they use is presently and why it would still be worth while to abuse even with a 1 hr debuff.




noun: shill ; plural noun: shills

  1. an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.


verb: shill ; 3rd person present: shills ; past tense: shilled ; past participle: shilled ; gerund or present participle: shilling

  1. act or work as a shill.

(My definition)
A method to get people to buy something or promote something.

I’m sure you’re a hoot at parties.

Killin it man, I do agree with the sentiment, but the abuse of the English language was killing me.


I couldn’t think of a better word in my rage :joy:
I’d go to a party with you :tada:


I just call em how I see em… And Activision is crap, crap, crappity crap, crap crap…

Not even sure why I am paying for this considering the number of bugs, but I am having fun with the guild; likely the only thing keeping me playing.


Think this is bad?

Try waiting on queue for 25 minutes, having alliance sweaty neck beards drop queue, then have the battleground close and not even receive a mark.


11 people?

I started with 1, myself, and a few seconds later, 2, and then 8 ppl for the next 5mins.