AV Alliance Bubble? really is it a joke

you call us trolls, ask to get someone banned because they dont agree with you and were the ones flaming you?

this isnt an exploit. horde can do things like this too- just use your brain! you dont NEED a paladin. HUNTERS can do it. I wont tell you how because thats counter productive to me.

Warlcocks can do it!

Mages can do it!


So just because someone else can essentially ‘cheat’ it’s ok for you to cheat? Amazing logic my friend.


we cant make premades lol (30 min ques) means we cant not join a que

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no one is cheating. Not one person. you are all zeroing in on the paladin pull. i merely stated other classes can also do this and they dont have immunities like a paladin.

Alliance figure out a strategy to help win and your crying about it.

Do you want the backdoor entrance into DB fixed? What about the prospector pulls? Sure i hear it gets messed up, but its still very possible to do and in the game.

These aren’t exploits, its just how the game works. Of course NPCs can not path the same way we can. they never have been able to in all of wow. youve been able to jump out of building or towers and the NPC will path all the way around or down the tower/building, and you now have time to bandage gain some mana etc. is that an exploit? i say not


Exploiting the FINAL boss in AV for a 4 minute game is something that needs to be fixed. You’re one to think that horde shouldn’t cry about 25+ minute queues yada yada… Have fun sitting afk fishing in AV posting on the forums whilst contributing nothing to your team.


facts i read that about him on his post too lol.

so your going to ignore completely the fact that NPCs have ALWAYS acted like this with terrain?

And now your going to say I fish in AV for whatever reason. I am not sure where that came from but now i can tell your grasping at straws.

And why do you even bring up the ques? Of course the more populated faction will have ques… you’ve completely lost it man.


read what about who?

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I’m just going by your post history my friend. There have been plenty of changes in classic that were assumed things that have ALWAYS been but were actual unintentional parts of gamplay and fixed in recent hotfixes. You’re grasping at straws with your reasoning on the alliance exploiting the final boss of AV.

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i really don’t have anything to say if you cant understand wrong from right. if it was the other way around you would be crying. wait you crying just because someone said something mean about it oh yeah its 2020 the babys was born

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and my post history has me specifically going against fishing and saying that fishing can be said to be against ToS cause your not playing the BG. So… if your gonna read my post history at least get it right man

My comment on your post history is that you care about trivial things rather than the subject at hand without solutions.

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but you literally accused me of fishing… dude the circles your going in…


damn he deleted his post about how he fishes

i never made one. In fact, my characters fishing skill is not high enough to fish in AV.


Honestly you horde can have 4min games as well. You all can do back door entrance instead of bridge which is so much faster than Alliance way. Why does no one do that? Because the queue times are so long on the horde side that the good horde honour farmers know they need to do more than just finish the game to get a better honour per hour. If queue times were instant on both factions horde would win the race war 70% of the time

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I get what you’re saying Turlock, but in most cases the horde would rather play AV as designed by pushing tower caps and killing npcs along the way.

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i understand that. i just want the game to be fixed so we half to play it as it was made to be played. without the zergs

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This is trial and tested private server knowledge. Normie knowledge of unfair AV is only from horde bias youtube videos

Honestly id prefer the game to go back a few patches so we don’t have this zerg meta and Warsong and AB will have a chance to be a good farm. This 1.12 pvp patch sucks