Automated Bans will slowly destroy Classic

I hope this is alowed,
but you sound like the biggest fail on all the forum posts I have ever read. You may need to get help.


So, basically, even though WOW: Classic does not have ranked play, and therefore would have no ā€œautomated banā€, youā€™d rather stick to that claim.

:woman_shrugging: Iā€™ll just disagree with your entire premise and look forward to the ā€œdestroyedā€ WOW: Classic full of players who donā€™t do their best to disrupt other players.


Being silenced in Classic WoW is just as debilitating. Itā€™s a heavily social game, more so than any other game Iā€™ve played, and not being able to talk in a social game is fatal to the experience.


Says right there on the screen he was suspended and silenced, not banned, for 24 hours. You really should learn how things in WOW work before you post these conspiracy theories.


You show me a screenshot of a GM not overturning the silenceā€¦where the proof that it was overturned by Blizzard? You are struggling brahā€¦

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I think Zerghogg and his ā€œclan,ā€ whatever that means, may well get banned. And if they do, they will say all they were doing was PvPing.


Then I guess players will just have to behave according to the terms they agreed to when they joined the game wont they. Its not rocket science.


Nah. close though.

My point is Classic will have an automated reporting/discipline system, as evidenced by the automated reporting/discipline systems currently in place in other Blizzard games, as well as recent news that Blizzard is downsizing and support staff are being let go, leading to further reliance on automation, and that this automated system will lead to bans for behavior that is otherwise not against the rules.

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Thereā€™s still like 4 or 5 other modes where you can still play - itā€™s not a ban at all.

doubling down on this eh. The only automated system is squelching.


0 proof of this, still.


Again, conspiracy theories. Employees in the BlizzEU region (Not North America), specifically Cork, Irelandā€¦ were given the chance to cash out with a sweet bonus and they took it.

There has been no downsizing (other than 2 CFOā€™sā€¦ hahaha) to speak of in the NA region.


Um, not reallyā€¦

To report, you need to right click, kind of hard to AUTOmate that. As for the discipline, the only thing that is automated is the squelch, and you gotta piss off a lot of people to have that happen. And still a GM reviews it.


Your request isnā€™t relevant to my point, which is that the automated system will wrongfully ban and that GMs wont overturn, which was proven by the provided screenshot. You can search for the twitch clip of him logging back in if you like.

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Yes it is. You made the claim Blizzard overturned it, so where is it?

You said that right? Whereā€™s the proof?

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Silences are all reviewed by a GM, if rules were broken the Silence is applied. if rules were not broken then no SIlence is applied. There is nothing automated about it. Your pal Grubby broke the rules. Simple as that.


Just flag the post as trolling and quit feeding the OP.

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Yeah thats becoming more obvious with every post.

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Thatā€™s not the problem here. The problem is that the silencing isnā€™t done by an impartial human who is familiar with Blizzardā€™s ToS. The silences are handed out instead by mob rule; by groups of people who donā€™t know (or donā€™t care) about what speech or behavior deserves to be punished.

People here have far more faith in random people on the internet, because thatā€™s who youā€™re trusting to wield the GM power of muting others. I certainly donā€™t.