
Can I use autohotkey? It only changes my keyboard layout. Unfortunately Colemak-dh cannot be added to Windows :c

Unfortunately, AHK was used in the past to streamline multiboxing, which is no longer permitted. We have seen instances of AHK being used, even if used for other things, followed shortly after with an account action because AHK was still running.

Personally, I wouldn’t risk it.

Even if it isn’t being used for multiboxing, it still is one of those programs that will be detected by Warden.

The same goes for any other program used to create macros outside of the game. The general rule is, one keystroke = one action.


What about “EurKEY or EPKL (Big Bag)” ?

Basic rule of thumb: If it can possibly be used to streamline multiboxing, don’t use it. Period.


Do not use ANYTHING that might automate, streamline, or promote multiboxing.

The rules of thumb is one keypress = one in-game action. Do not use any software to get around that. If you want macros, use the in-game macro maker.

People have gotten banned just for having AHK running while WoW is. It is not worth the risk.


I’m afraid we cannot provide the green light for any specific programs that might be out there. As the others said, if they are used to streamline multiboxing, basically making it easier to do so, or doing automatically something you’d normally do manually, that would likely cause an issue.


if this is your only intention, all your keys can be remapped via the standard interface.